Calculator Community > Official Contest

Prizm Contest: Who's participating

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Backups aren't nearly as important with the Prizm as with z80 calcs. The processor is a lot more modern, so it uses error handlers instead of automatic RAM clears. The OS also makes constant flash backups of the upper half of RAM.

That said, keep making backups :P

DJ Omnimaga:
* DJ_O hopes there are still people participating besides Ashbad and that all will be able to submit their entry in time.
 (Also please, no entry with 80 levels, lol. Demo is fine. Judges are in the middle of school, now, and they won't even have time to test more than one or two level :P)

this has me very exciting! i can't wait to actually put my PRIZM to use. :P


--- Quote from: shmibs on September 14, 2011, 05:53:56 pm ---this has me very exciting! i can't wait to actually put my PRIZM to use. :P

--- End quote ---

Even more exciting will be the result after the contest (more programmers will likely start coding for it) :).  That would be nice.

DJ Omnimaga:
Yeah true. For now, though, good luck on your entries guys.


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