Calculator Community > Official Contest

Storm #1: BASIC Game in 30 days

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--- Quote from: DJ_O on February 15, 2011, 03:08:24 pm ---Yeah it would be like last year, although I am unsure when it would start. It would most likely be a similar deadline as the other, though.

Btw, I tried the Zadoth game and it's kinda cool and quite challenging at first, but then I found a glitch that allowed me to survive forever until I decide to let myself die. I scored 9818. O.O

Btw who made that Zombie game? ???

EDIT: I just tried FinaleTI's entry and it looks great, but there were two issues: Game was extremly slow outside battles (it took 3 seconds to render the character) and I got plenty of ERR:INVALID DIM everywhere, forcing me to reinstall the game over and over. :/

--- End quote ---
Huh. The ERR:INVALID DIM thing is something I didn't expect. I thought the problem would be more with memory errors.
Could you tell me where you encountered the errors?

DJ Omnimaga:
When walking and after selecting Attack in battle. During walking the error happened randomly while moving.

The zombie game was willrandship's.


--- Quote from: DJ_O on February 15, 2011, 02:57:38 pm ---Darn I am disappointed at how many people ditched their entry. I wish at least they entered a demo or something. That kind of stuff always makes me feel relunctant about doing a 2011 Axe contest.

--- End quote ---

I'll be releasing my discontinued entry soon, after I work out a few bugs.

EDIT: What happened to my avatar?

I'm sure an Axe contest would be much more popular than a TI-Basic one.

Also, I tried FinaleTI's and so many files to archive, I'll do it later.


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