Calculator Community > Official Contest

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how about a mini movie on the calculator:
30 secs or longer (is this 2 long?)
with grahfics
MAX limit of 25 pictures
must have motion
must have a story line (does not matter how bad it is, it could be just a battle to the death, but atleast put people talking)
ummm thats all i came think of now.......

what if your story is about two mutes... o.o might be neat though.

QuoteBegin-necro+May 18 2006, 10:53 PM-->QUOTE (necro @ May 18 2006, 10:53 PM) what if your story is about two mutes... o.o might be neat though.
then they could write stuff down :lol: or better yet use sign language, lol a calculator movie with 2 mute guys using sign language

but iwas thinking like a short clip of LOTR but that might be a tad too difficult

and no cheating and using TIMM.

DJ Omnimaga:
a Zpic movie would be cool, I was thinking about xLIB but it run so fast you would get over 60 frames per seconds


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