Omnimaga > OmnomIRC Development

Color code bug


It seems that some recent change has introduced a bug in color code parsing. It appears that using a color code immediately followed by another color/formatting code results in the color code's number being printed instead of being used as a color.

For example: "{color}7{bold}test" appears as "7test" instead of the correct "test". This bug can also be noticed in most of RunerBot's output, which is where it was noticed.

In case it's a browser-specific issue, I see the issue on Chrome 44.

Ok I'll check on it once I'm home end of the month, thanks for reporting!

Ok fixed it now in the dev build, the reason for that bug is rather stupid, lol.
Expect it to be live, soon!

EDIT: AAaaaaand, the fix is live! Thanks for reporting!


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