Omnimaga > OmnomIRC Development

Having issues with OmnomIRC? START HERE!

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Yeah, that's an IRCd configuration line I added and then removed. The guys working on OmnomIRC should probably fix that as well.

Edit: The offending lines are out of the backlog, I spammed a lil on IRC and it now works again!

DJ Omnimaga:
Yay! I just tested and it now works fine. Thanks :)


--- Quote from: Juju on May 21, 2014, 06:56:19 pm ---Yes I unintentionally broke it I tried to change my nick to a zero-width space I'm sorry ._.

--- End quote ---
Lol, this exists ? O.O


--- Quote from: Streetwalrus on May 22, 2014, 01:01:48 am ---
--- Quote from: Juju on May 21, 2014, 06:56:19 pm ---Yes I unintentionally broke it I tried to change my nick to a zero-width space I'm sorry ._.

--- End quote ---
Lol, this exists ? O.O

--- End quote ---
If you have server key stuff :P

Also, so far I only checked for messages being 0-string, won't be too hard to do that for nicks too.

And the chatbox gets grayed out while switching tab because reasons :P

DJ Omnimaga:
Oh right, it's just for admins. I worried that any user could do it. This would have been a serious threat since people can read the logs and see how the exploit is used. :P


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