Omnimaga > OmnomIRC Development

How to see who PM'ed me on Omnom?

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DJ Omnimaga:
See topic title. I was wondering how in OmnomIRC can we see who PMed me? Sometimes, when somebody sends us PMs they appear in the active tab and I think a new tab will open, but most of the time no new tab will open automatically and if we don't pay attention we might miss out PMs displayed in the main tab, as they are gone on next refresh.

So I was wondering if there was a command that listed people who PMed us in the past, so that we can manually type /query username then see what we might have missed?

It should also put a
(pm)nickname: thesecretpmmessage
into the channel you are currently chatting....

DJ Omnimaga:
Yes but those vanish when we refresh the page, causing us to sometimes not notice them. As a result, if we want to know if somebody PMed us, then we are forced to try each forum nickname with /query <nickname> one by one to guess who might have PMed us at one point or another in the past until we run into actual messages.

I mean, in many cases, people told me they queried or PM'ed me on OmnomIRC, but I didn't notice because I had missed the (pm)nickname: stuff and OmnomIRC failed to automatically open a query tab on my end the minute someone PM'ed me.

Currently there is no way other than that, and also the highlighting tabs red if you are mentioned is lost once you hit f5. Maybe I should make it save that and highlight query tabs red on a new message, no matter what. What do you think of that?

DJ Omnimaga:
I guess it might be good if private messages were retained if the user choose that option. Also I feel the PMs won't stand out enough from the rest so maybe it would be good to make them blue background (kinda like how highlighting is red), green or something else or using a different font. Maybe they could also be gray italic.

Just as long as people are aware that they are PMs. I hated how in 2006-08 somebody in #omnimaga kept publicly replying to every PM I sent him despite being warned and I had to ban him because he kept unintentionally relaying sensitive information >.<


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