Omnimaga > OmnomIRC Development

OmnomIRC for ABXD and phpBB

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This is something I'm working on, I installed myself an ABXD forum and installed OmnomIRC on it and wrote a plugin for it. One of my friends have a phpBB forum as well and wishes to get a chatbox on it, so I'm gonna install OmnomIRC for him as well.

I just finished the ABXD plugin, you can find it here real soon, plus it have a few features not found on Omnimaga:

I'll keep you updated for the phpBB one, if you wanna help that would be great.

Update bump!

I installed OmnomIRC on a phpbb and wrote a checkLogin.php for it (no support for the admin paned tho so edit config.php manually) and also, I made it so both forums can chat on each other's channels, which can be pretty cool.

The only problem is with hardcoded network IDs, OmnomIRC having ID 1 by default and I had to change one of them to 4 and add checks for both IDs 1 and 4. That could be a feature that can be done in the future, interforum communication.

Looking good, make sure to submit pull requests for your changes so Sorunome can approve them :)

How did you do the cross-site stuff? Did you just have different checkLogins per forum but the same iframe?


--- Quote from: Sorunome on August 15, 2014, 10:42:55 am ---How did you do the cross-site stuff? Did you just have different checkLogins per forum but the same iframe?

--- End quote ---
According to the pull request I saw, that's what it looked like.


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