Omnimaga > OmnomIRC Development

Stretching for OmnomIRC 3

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--- Quote from: Sorunome on May 10, 2016, 04:01:19 am ---...
However, the current skin is quite broken due to how it grew historically, it's just a mess all over.

Anybody want to help on writing a new one? As the core is seperated etc. you don't have to have any idea at all as to how things are working in the background, all you'd need to do is write the front-end page thingy, the omnomirc.js core takes part of the reset :)

--- End quote ---
Hellooo Soru,

Out of my experience I can say the following: when you are in need for help to start up any project you fancy, most of the times nobody steps forward until the moment the thing gets a bit spicy.
So my suggestion (forgive the advice) would be: first take a bite at it; let others know about your progress; and then quite likely you'll uncover some interested followers and/or contributors.
It has already happened to me some times in the past, unfortunately.

So yeah, give it shot and we'll see. ;)


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