Calculator Community > OTcalc

[OTZ80] Poll results! (Hardware)

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For those that are curious, the results are posted on the wiki here

I voted for everything that won!
This calc will be awesome when it is finally done!

for those who don't go to cemetech, you may want to read this thread. it basically suggests we should redo the screen and backlight polls. why? because the chances of us finding exactly what we want is very slim. i tried to find a 192 x 128 backlit 4 bit grayscale LCD, and google returned a ton of links to Omnimaga and Cemetech talking about some OTZ80 calculator. i'm suggesting we should redo the poll. instead of having hardware features to vote on, we should have the actual LCD's to vote on. that way, when we come to a consensus on what to buy, we already know where to find it. if you're against this idea, i have a challenge for you. try to find the 192 x 128 16 level grayscale with a backlight LCD that we want. if you can't find it, my case in point. if you can, that's wonderful, and we can move on.


DJ Omnimaga:
Interesting results and nice breakup summing up what people want. Nice post Alberthro. As for the LCD size issue, if it becomes too hard to find the size suggested, I guess the solution could be to use the size that is the closest and if there aren't any, then use the second place poll choice or any close LCD size.


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