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I'm starting to make a program that would let you do arithmetic in a different base then base 10.  (For example, you could do calculation in any base from 2 (Binary) to 16 (Hexadecimal).  Is anyone interested in this kind of thing?  I'm only wondering because I just want to know if I should make it user-friendly or not, as it is really a training for a larger project that I'm not going to disclose atm.  Don't worry, I'm still working on my other projects, but PIRATES! is stalled/slowly moving until xLIB 0.6 is released.  The BASIC RPG is more of a in math-class thing to code, and this won't take too long.

So, anyone interested?

EDIT: Name of prog is now Base-X, because you can change base...

If you make it, only make is 2,4,6,8,10,12,16,18, and 20 that way it'll have a nice range, but odd bases are harder to work with

Oh, I dunno, my method works for all bases 2-10.  I'm working on one that does 11-16 (17-20 seems unuseble for any application).

include a binary to hex quick look up table.  4 binary digits equals one hex letter, and such a look up table would be useful.

Well, converting between bases usually is more taxing than just going with base 10 to begin wtih (for calcs at least). I do have some base manipulation programs (2-36, operations with diff bases, times table maker for bases 2-36 (takes forever after ~base 12 though)).


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