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Magic in BM

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I have had some thoughts about the magic that will see action in BM...
Magic will have the usual effects as in other fantasy RPG

will the magic system be kinda like ff, where blizzard, blizzara, blizzaga? other wise, some cool spells, Gaia, Quake, cure(ailments),summon(creatures), and maybe perhaps slow time(where like ur bar goes up extra quick :))

DJ Omnimaga:
sound ncie, dont forget to add those classic legendary spells hard to find, like Comet, Meteo, Ultima, etc :)

QuoteBegin-dragon__lance+-->QUOTE (dragon__lance)
sweet! Eldest kinda sucked in the beggining, but the ending ROCKED!!! for ur magic system, itd be kinda cool if u used eragon's system of the ancient laguage, then get 2 customize spells.

u could use strings and user input, but thatd be complex. id just have spells in the ancient language that are set, and ur knoledge of the ancient language is like ur "spell points", so the more words u know, the more spells u'll be able to cast. :)


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