Calculator Community > Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas "Package Manager"

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--- Quote ---Grayscale Quadratic Equation Solver
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DJ Omnimaga:
That was a parody of all quadratic solvers on Back then they even stopped allowing them in, but they allowed that one (quite ironically, it was the 100th one uploaded as well). There was a fake news on Omni about it and a fake forum called Quadratic Solvers Liberation Front was started. ;D

It was kinda like a sequel to my grayscale number guessing game, except the quadratic solver was made by Radical Pi (AKA Nyrax). :P


I've completely changed the way this works.

Instead of searching using the websearch, it uses cached package lists (files.index and names.index). These cached files (which are why the download is larger) simply contain parsed forms of the master.index (each line of files.index has a path/filename on, each line of names.index has the name corresponding with the file on the same line in files.index). This means that for searches and counts (I added a "count" command), the script doesn't need the Internet. Searches are now pretty fast.

To download, obviously you need the Internet, but the script can pull the cached paths out of files.index, so no searching is involved.

Then, when you want to update the index files, you use the new "update" command- which parses master.index and recreates the names.index and files.index files. It will take some time to run, though.

The index files must be in the same directory as the script when you run it.

Also, I've uploaded this version to the Cemetech and archives (Omni doesn't have a folder for comp utilities).


I tried running this on my Fedora partition. At first, the output from running " list" was screwy, but it still worked (it was still able to download packages fine when I ran " get").

Then I ran an update to rewrite the package index files and the output looked normal.

So all I can say is, run a " update" before anything else when trying it on Linux.

DJ Omnimaga:
I like the update, hopefully this should put less load on the server. Also I saw this was uploaded and approved on so I guess they're now fine. I guess it's because they're on a better server now.


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