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Black Friday deals at Office Max on Calculators!
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What's the matter? I don't get it...
DJ Omnimaga:
I think that's a attempt at a rickrolling spinoff (rebecaroll'd?)
Haha. :P

Well, I went to the office max site anyways (to see rip-offs)
and I found one

A scientific calculator just as expensive as a ti-nspire CX

EDIT: it isnt even scientific!

EDIT 2: HOLY COW! another basic calculator for $30 more than a ti-nspire cx cas ($200)
DJ Omnimaga:
Wow wtf? Is it just because it can be used in business/retail?

Over here, Zellers stores (under liquidation) are selling all their equipment and when they started, registers and computers were like $350 or more, even though they're from years ago, and they even had a computer to use for retail purpose that costed $1000, and it looked like it was from a few years ago too! O.O They had no calcs like the above that I saw, but I bet they're charging pretty high for them if they do (even though they're used). I bet they want to extort as much money as possible from people who are willing to build a new store. >.< (kinda like how almost every promotion service for musicians are not free and they're expensive). They're even trying to sell them on Kijiji (a site similar to craigslists).
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