Author Topic: CX or Prizm?  (Read 10835 times)

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2012, 10:51:29 pm »

Nobody can make such claims yet because the firmware isn't out. It's extremely possible that there's still an exploit waiting to be discovered. Beyond that, the "you got what you deserve" comment is extremely harsh. Nobody "deserved" this; there was a risk taken, but don't rub our losses in our faces just because you support Casio.
I'm sorry Reo, I really wasn't trying to rub your losses in your faces, but the time is over due for everyone to understand that you can't have it both ways. If you really object to the way TI treats this community then show it by not supporting TI and their products.  On the other hand, how does anyone have any right to complain about the way TI treats us if they are going to support ti and their products?  I read all this moaning and groaning about how TI is doing this terrible thing with their next os update and then there is all this support for their products.  Thats rediculous.  If you don't like what TI is doing, then stop supporting them or, if you choose to support them, stop complaining.

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2012, 10:55:01 pm »
Hey I think you double posted, Dingus :)
Anyway, you'll have to make a choice Spiro. Casio can be better because they aren't intentionally blocking third party development, but the CX and TI-nspire family in general has a larger resolution screen, and drawing commands when you program in Lua are much faster.
I've used calcs from both TI and Casio, and depends on which one suits.

Or better just get both (though that may cost too much)
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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2012, 05:12:34 pm »
Yeah, I guess I somehow double posted.  Maybe it's the keyboard or something.  It seems to happen several times a year and I don't know why.  Sorry about that. 

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2012, 05:17:19 pm »
It might not be your fault, but your internet ;)
Maybe Netham should add protection for this.

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2012, 06:04:34 am »
I would go for an NSpire.
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2012, 11:26:22 pm »
I would say, as of right now, Nspire due to there being more development for it and more programs already released. However, since Casio did their promotion, I think that development for the Prizm is going to skyrocket and there could possibly be more developed for it in the future.

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2012, 10:07:07 pm »
In reply to Dingus, we need to remain polite to other members, though, and in most classes people are actually forced to buy TI calcs, even Nspires sometimes. I find your last post quite uncalled for Dingus and you better be careful (after all, people have every right to complain about what they bought. Maybe they simply do not like what other calcs has to offer too, such as the Prizm's considerably inferior RAM for example).

Also, people buy TI calcs because they want to program for a platform on which their games will have a greater audience (which, sadly, is TI calcs, and we can do nothing about it because of their monopoly in schools). The PRIZM popularity is picking up a bit, but some people would rather make a Nspire Lua game that will be played by hundreds of people in the world rather than a PRIZM C or ASM game that will be played by only 13 or 14 people.

I wouldn't be surprised if some schools actually even disallowed any other calc in their classes too. Also news flash for you: Some areas only sells TI calcs and not everyone got access to a credit card or Paypal account to buy online.

Also I'm sure the exploit was fixed,  but given TI's history of OS bugs, I wouldn't be surprised if the new OS, especially with the many upcoming changes and updates in it, even had more exploits than any other. It's just a matter of finding the exploit then making sure Ndless installs correctly without risks of damages.

If you don't remain polite, what you might actually do is simply discourage people from signing up on the forums. They will find your posts and act like "Wow! Look how bad they are treating their users at Omnimaga! I'm gonna go to another site instead.", which happened before elsewhere and to a lesser extent here.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2012, 10:09:02 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: CX or Prizm?
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2012, 08:44:30 am »
If you don't remain polite, what you might actually do is simply discourage people from signing up on the forums. They will find your posts and act like "Wow! Look how bad they are treating their users at Omnimaga! I'm gonna go to another site instead.", which happened before elsewhere and to a lesser extent here.
O.O I hope not! I hope Omnimaga doesn't have an image like that outside the community :|
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