Calculator Community > Other Calculators

GraphiTI Competition

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DJ Omnimaga:
sound cool, would be better without the big bunch of small rings and better with a black background :)

I've all but lost all hope on winning the grand prize because from the looks of it, a few certain people are more than obviously cheating and rocketing ahead of *everyone*, but TI doesn't seem to really care. So in my last attempt of this contest, I've started a petition that you can sign:

I have not cheated, I have no desire to, and I have a pure heart of winning this, but if I lose against a bunch of cheaters, I will be emotionally destroyed. They do say the good guys always win though, so.. I'll just hope for a bit longer. No telling what the next 2 1/2 months will hold for me.

DJ Omnimaga:
this really sucks to see ppl cheat, considering they just want the $1000 and wont bother about calcs at all. Also the tools they give to make our designs are inneficient and the is lot of lacking features, not mto mention its really slow. I didnt even bothered making a design because of that, even though I can win $1000 (well not a big pb for me since with my job I can get that in 5 weeks), those cheaters are really lame. :angry:  I signed the petition

I wish someone from the ti community will win, like you, especially since your design rocks.

oh and I dunno but I think I didnt said it yet: welcome here :)

6 more votes and i'm tied for state :)

i dunno what i would do with ANOTHER 84+SE, but i have a good idea... the guy who taught me to program doesnt have his own calc, so i would probably give it to him...cuz he is really cool...


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