Calculator Community > Other Calculators
Librecalc third-party calculator prototype
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DJ Omnimaga:
I just saw this now and it's a third-party calculator prototype:

Some of you probably remember Ubercalc and OTCalc and how they never got past planning stages (although Ubercalc had a prototype, the author then started rebooting the project from scratch non-stop until he finally vanished). Unlike past projects, Librecalc seems to have gotten past planning stages it seems because there's a physical prototype out. It's kinda an emulator, though, inside a custom calc case.

I am curious if it will get further into development? It would be interesting to see how such community calculator get manufactured, seeing how much of a PITA it seems to be to mass-produce stuff for small companies or groups of individuals (just see how long it takes for Pier Solar (Sega Genesis) pre-orders to be shipped). I also hope that it doesn't just remain an emulator so that it can take advantage of its full processing power and doesn't run into copyright problems (but again, if people from China are involved then with China standards this would be pretty standard). The HP 50g is basically a Saturn CPU emulator running a modded HP 48g ROM and it's a shame to see this much processing power go to waste. D:
It's pretty neat to see something like this in a working state. However, I'd be really surprised if they didn't get hit with a C&D order from TI. Running TI-OS on such a device is probably a really bad idea for them.
Actually that's a TI-82 simulator, not an emulator, so no copyrighted ROMs. And yeah, nice to see such a project with a working prototype.
Yup, that is looking awesome so far, and it'd be nice to see it getting somewhere.
DJ Omnimaga:
Oh right I didn't realize it was a simulator. I guess TI might not like if it works pretty much exactly as the TI-82, although it's still interesting to see this come to fruition. Let's hope it goes further.

With mass producing, sometimes they require you to sell like 10000 copies before they finally mass produce the item, so that costs are lower. But if it takes like 4 months to get 1000 pre-orders then you're in for years of wait. With the Sega Genesis reprint version of Pier Solar and the Great Architect, it has been three years since the 3rd print run was supposed to be manufactured and now it has yet to be done.
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