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TI-81 Screen Types?

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--- Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 06, 2013, 11:16:28 am ---Pokemon Gold and Silver last much shorter than every other game in average because the games have an internal clock feature that runs 24/7, draining even more power. The day/night clock feature was removed in 3rd generation games for that reason.

--- End quote ---

There was a RTC in Ruby/Sapphire. They lasted ONE year.

DJ Omnimaga:
Really? Wikipedia said otherwise the last time I checked (and cited dead batteries as reason why) ???

There was a clock too. But there aren't any day/night difference. Only elapsed time for berry growing.

DJ Omnimaga:
Yeah I read now on Wikipedia that day and night is definitively gone. I guess that still leaving a clock in for other purposes still drains the battery fast enough, though. Also the battery problems with 2nd and 3rd gen Pokémon games brings up another question that is more related to calcs: If a TI-84 Plus is left with the 4 AAA batteries removed for a long time, will the small button battery drain faster than older calcs due to the clock?

Well, a calc that has AAA batteries installed isn't drawing very much current from the battery, hence hence the long battery lives. Someone with the proper tools should test this quantitatively.


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