Calculator Community > Other Calculators

Why do you program for calcs?

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Me? Well... I program to try and defy all the "all-mighty" ASM programmers... I feel that if I can make BASIC games that can compete with ASM ones then I'll have served my purpose... Plus, I have ideas that can be easily expressed on the calculator (83+), and, I want to out-do Kevin  :paf:

DJ Omnimaga:

QuoteBegin-CDI+June 12, 2005, 18:2-->QUOTE (CDI @ June 12, 2005, 18:20) and, I want to out-do Kevin  :paf:
 Hey, that's my goal too! Well, I originally started programming because I had always wanted to make video games, but had never gotten around to learning any computer languages. Now I program because I really do want to outdo Kevin  :alien: and show what can be done with BASIC (which, we're finding out, is quite a lot!) Personally, many of the rpgs I see for the calcs, even the best ones (like Kevin's) are revolutionary for a calculator, but don't actually break new ground for what can be done with rpgs on ANY platform. I don't mean the graphics are supposed to be revolutionary compared to, say, Windwaker or Star Ocean, but that we can have things that have never been done before. Orignal plots. Original map design, orignal battle engines, orignal styles of gameplay. I'm all for originality. And, of course, for showing up everybody else.   B)

So you say you want a revolution...something original.  Thats what TSOD is all about, A really deep story, tons of different maps, and an unusual battle system.  I am with you. The term Basic sounds a little demeaning...

QuoteBegin-mdjenkins86+June 12, 2005, 23:35-->QUOTE (mdjenkins86 @ June 12, 2005, 23:35) So you say you want a revolution...something original.  Thats what TSOD is all about, A really deep story, tons of different maps, and an unusual battle system.  I am with you. The term Basic sounds a little demeaning...  
 Let's not forget the graphics sir. :) They're just as important as the code, especially when you want top-notch RPG's.


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