Calculator Community > Casio Calculators

[KIND OF SOLVED] Link software not working please help!!!

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I bought a casio fx-9860G slim used, but it didn't come with its CD and If someone would be kind enough to post their driver files I would be so happy!

EDIT::: I got it working by using a different computer but mine still doesnt work

Did you try FA-124? Haven't used it in a while but it worked without needing a CD or anything iirc.

Go to this website
Now, click on the check box labelled "Support Software", then click Next. Then, download FA-124. FA-124 automatically installs the linking program (FA-124) and the drivers.

I have 124 Well, I got mine used and it just doesnt detect my device, can you post your driver files?

Those are the drivers I used for my 9860G Slim and my 9750GII and they work fine.


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