Calculator Community > Casio Calculators

Should I buy a Casio 9750 or 9860 or stick withmy Fx 570ES?

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DJ Omnimaga:
Clearance custom issues sucks. I had it happen with my 84+CSE in March because I used a private carrier (UPS) so there were hidden charges on delivery.

@alc112: Sorry to hear about your shipping issues. That is a pain to be sure. :( At least Amazon is taking care of it for you though. :)

DJ Omnimaga:
What I don't understand is that I thought that Argentina was a free country, yet they banned TI calcs and international used electronic goods and added restrictions on other international electronics. This sounds a bit like North Korea and China with their censorship and bans on various items. >.< I guess I was misinformed about the state of the country.

That said, Canada isn't any better when it comes to online music streaming services... (only Rdio is available).

I didn't want to enter in offtopic but somehow you are right.
All the goods that doesn't enter via mail or people traspassing the borders  (these two ways pay 50% of the declared value if Customs decide to hold the package) NEEDS the personal  authorization of the Secretary of Domestic Trade. So, goods (even medicines that are not produced in the country) are held in the docks for months. And you have to be careful of what you say because all those business that needs to import goods depends on this person.
Dolars (money) are scarce and for that reason you have to pay 20% if you pay in dolars with your credit/debit cards. People that wants to visit another country need to start some paperwork to see if they can get some dollars legally and If the the government decides to give some, is ver very little money or none (and the tell you this a week before your flight). Legal dolar is arround AR$5.8 and the ilegal (we call it blue) is nearly AR$10.


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