General Discussion > Computer Programming

Programming languages....

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Ok, I want to learn a programming language for the computer. I know how to program in TI-basic pretty well, but I have absolutely no experience in programming on the computer. (well, I did mess around in visual basic some so I guess thats not completely true...) I was just curious on what language would be good to learn. I would like to be able to make graphical games in 2D without it taking a lifetime.

Any opinions are appreciated! --Mecha :alien:

Graphical 2D games without taking a lifetime?  I think GameMaker is good for that (necro can probably elaborate on that for you).  Visual Basic might be good too (although if you plan on using .NET, you should probably use C# over Visual Basic, as it is generally more powerful).  

If you don't mind it taking more work, then maybe you could try Python, Java, or C++ - C++ being the prefered choice for really intenese games, as it is the fastest.  

Thanks I was looking into C++ but I thought I should get a second opinion first, game maker I have tried but I didn't like it that much.....

I'd choose something that's cross-platform and not just Windows-only...

Probably Python, Java, or C++.

I liked gamemaker, I started using it when I was 10. It's really more for kids though, but it got me started codin'. Best language evar is C 'cause it works with anything on anything, it's powerful, and it's fast. =D It's basically portable easy assembly language. C++ is ownage too. People say it's outdated now though. :( noobs. :P

Java is a good noob language. It's easy to learn anyways and then you could move to C++ really easily after being familiar with java.


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