Calculator Community > Pokémon Purple
Pokemon Purple
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Introducing Pokemon Purple, for the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, a game made almost entirely in TI-BASIC, using ASCII graphics for the maps, and actual graphics for NPC interactions and battles.

I was "inspired" to create this game, as people were complaining that TI-BASIC is not capable of great things, and I wish to prove them wrong.

The game is currently in an early beta stage, as the overall game is only about 7% complete. I am hoping to be able to provide a window for TI-83+ users to get a glimpse of the Pokemon world that many people, young and old, still enjoy.

There were some screenshots of Pallet town here, however, they are outdated, as I no longer use them anymore.

Currently the ability to enter into buildings is not programmed in yet, hence no screenshots of the interiors are available as of yet.

The menu system is fairly easy to navigate through as you have a series of selections and you pick one. No brainer, right?

As you progress in your journey, you have 8 Gym Leaders to defeat, which you can keep track of on your Badge Card:

As you defeat these trainers, and you get their badges, your Badge Card begins to fill up:

The items system is something that I created, because of the complexity of having or not having items. So, I created this menu of it, seperated into "pockets" which help organize where things are.

The Pokedex system is still in works, though I almost have it complete. I had to design and create a scrolling menu syste for the graphscreen, which, to my knowledge, had not been done before, had not been done too well. Creating this gave me some troubles, but they have all been worked out, here is a screenshot (so far) of the pokedex system:

And after spending many, many weeks, I managed to get all the Pokemon pictures (32x32 icons) posted to black and white, hexadecimal. I use a program that was first created by me, and then severely optimized by another programmer, to take a hex value, and interpret it to display a sprite on the graphscreen, in much the same way that assembly programmers can do the same. Here is some screenshots of the pokemon:

And for the last bit that I have so far up to 12/14/2006, here are some of the NPC's that you will eventually be able to interact with:

The latest things that have happened is a fully functional save system, and a 4-way scrolling map system:

If you want a ton more screenshots, you will have to go check out the screenshot page, as any other dialup user would die with them all showing at once... :P

To check out the latest alpha, download here:

I am currently working on completely revamping the pokedex system, and other such things, as I have changed certain data structures.
I know, generally one is supposed to update the post if less than 12 hours, however, didn't feel like adding more stuff to the Intro post. :)

The above is what I have been working on on making the pokedex into a new system. Compare to and tell me what you think. :)

Oh yes, and no, this does not have the cursor yet. I am working on it though, just thought I would post progress...

Edit: And no, Kingler should not be there... not sure why he is listed, looking in to it :P

Edit 2: Used N instead of N... <.< The simple mistakes... stupid stupid stupid...
Looking good tifreak =D
The only thing I don't like is the pokedex, it looks like it's taking forever >.<
wow this is skill right here!
Tribal: Yeah, I know. However, at this moment, scrolling on the new system works. :) I have a few issues with clearing scrolling numbers and the "pokeballs" that I am dealing with right now. I am hoping for an animated screenshot later this evening. And, it has only taken... maybe 3 hours total thus far?

Ding_Programs: Thanks, this game has been in progress for over 2 years. :P
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