Ok, Pokemon alpha 0.1.6 has the following:
::Fully working title screen with introduction
::Save - Load fully operational
::Walking engine at 70%
----Engine still needs support for:
--------Pitch black
--------Jumping ledges on left and right sides
--------NPC line of sight (still not sure about this one..)
::Random encounters works, with flashing animation
::Stat Generation mostly works, needs to give attacks properly
::Entering buildings works
::Maps from Pallet Town through Route 2
----Can enter buildings in Pallet only at this point
::Can interact with NPC's, including one in Viridian that has a Yes/No menu
::In-Game menu seems to work, or at least, in theory it is fully functional.

::Town Map is created
::Can view Ash's stats
::Pokemon Party screen was created at one point, not sure if it is still there
::Pokedex system completed
I think that covers a big portion of what is functioning in the game. Still to come for beta 0.1.7:
::Completed stat generation
::Functional Battle system
::Functional Items system (it is started, just not useable)
::Events system
And I understand, Art_of_Camelot, opinions are welcome, its just I was trying to figure out where that topic came up from.

If I was doing large boxes, I agree, I would probably use Text(, but since the boxes and sprites are generally small, I am trying to go for smoothness, and Line( is sure smoother than Text(, and uses less bytes, because of all the spaces generally required to clear out long sections.