Calculator Community > Pokémon Purple

Pokemon Purple

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Cool to hear you plan to finish it ! :D This is one of the projects I checked out back when I was a newb and necroposted Ash:Phoenix. Looking forward to it ! ;)

DJ Omnimaga:
If you make a CSE version, will it use home screen for scrolling or xLIB?

For the CSE version, I'll be going all out with xlibc sprites and the like. No sense in just going part way, will hopefully be able to use the non color as a basis for it.

DJ Omnimaga:
Ah ok  I was wondering since for the 84+SE version your goal was to make it as pure BASIC as possible like with Illusiat 13 and even today most of your CSE programs are still pretty much pure BASIC with minimal Celtic2CSE usage (for example, none of your programs are fullscreen).

Well, I dunno, LibHelper takes up tons of screen ;) lol

Trust me, I have plans for the CSE, and xlib usage. I would like to bring Age of Darkness Revenge to life like it never could have been on the older calcs (or it could have been had I taken time to work with xlib then)

I have a hundred ideas, and not enough time to implement them all. :< Eventually, Pokemon Purple will be pretty on the CSE screen, and all shall celebrate \o/


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