Calculator Community > Pokémon Purple

Pokemon Purple

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--- Quote from: tifreak on February 13, 2013, 06:19:57 pm ---Just posting up here that I'm still chipping away at things. I know Omnimaga has focused more on the Nspire, not really sure how many people still look forward to BASIC 84+ games anymore.

--- End quote ---
??? Where did you see that ? Omnimaga is not anti-Nspire but it is not pro-Nspire either, it is just that people have projects and present them, whether they are in 84+ Basic or in Axe or in Lua or in ASM or in C. And in the new posts, I only see two Nspire projects from Omnimaga: Linux and DD2X. The other things (like Ndless+ or the custom bootscreen) are crossposted news from TI Planet.

Radical Pi:
I'm glad to see this project is still alive! I'm still looking forward to it, regardless of how long it's been (wow, 8 years already?) or how much longer it will take.

DJ Omnimaga:
If I remember, Omnimaga had a Pokémon Purple sub-forum since September 2005. It started a while before, though.

That is pretty impressive, I don't think I'd be able to work so long on the same project.

Radical Pi? Wow, I haven't seen you in... * Art_of_camelot checks last post date... over a year. Wow, how are you? You going to start stopping by annually now? :P


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