Calculator Community > Pokémon Purple
Pokemon Trainer Sprites

Basically, I am wondering if there are any sprite artists that could shrink those down to fit in a 32x32 and still look good. I have cropped the sprites as they are, but you really only see a face and part of the body in most, but you can tell they are different people in each. It was a suggestion made in the main pokemon topic, so yeah. Anyone that would have the time and inclination to help? They would need to be straight black and white, I can get the hex of them myself, so no need to go that extra bit.

Thanks in advance!
After I resume online status, I shall. That means after Phantom Sanctuary is finished...
I might be able to do maybe two or three today or tomorrow.  After that I can't say anything for sure.  It's getting difficult for me to even get online without using my itouch recently.  :(
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