Calculator Community > Portal X

Portal userbar

<< < (2/4) > >>

Yeah, that'd be sweet. I'm excited.

Infinite loop dude would be cool

Deep Toaster:

--- Quote from: Builderboy on November 08, 2011, 09:30:39 pm ---I suggested he put a dude falling in an infinite loop :D
--- End quote ---
That's a great idea. Could you whip up a quick animated screenie of a level where the character falls in an infinite loop between two portals separated by a single open tile? In other words, a scene that looks like

where the lines are the portals, and the character (carat) falls between them. I'm too lazy to do it pixel-by-pixel :)


There you go :D I spaced the portals out by 2 tiles or else it gets a bit difficult to see what is happening D:

Wow cool level! are those =:=:=:= lines (but vertical) those blue things?


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