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Topics - defmenge

Pages: [1]
Axe / PIC MISSING even though Picture is present
« on: June 20, 2011, 01:37:43 pm »
When trying to compile DROD8x into a nostub assembly program after having added a tiny piece of debugging code (a single "Text(" command) as the only change in code since the last compile, Axe parser reported "ERR: PIC MISSING" at 5% in the second pass. Pressing PRGM caused it to point at the line which imports "Pic1" to "Pic1T" as a tile map: [Pic1r]->Pic1T
The picture is present in RAM, and commenting out the "Text(" command I added seemed to solve the problem. However, I need it to debug a certain problem which I'm having with the object buffer, but it won't let me compile with that line of code being there.

Any ideas why this is happening?

TI Z80 / DROD8x - a TI-8X clone of DROD using Axe (now with demo!)
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:04:24 am »
EDIT: Demo version download:

Some of you may have already read about this project, now I'm going to announce it 'officially'. :P
DROD8x is a clone of the puzzle game DROD (Deadly Rooms of Death). This name is a temporary working title and will be changed before the project is released to avoid possible problems concerning copyright/trademark infringement. DROD8x is written in Axe and will be compiled as a Flash App, despite the screenshot showing an assembly program.

Basically, the game is a turn-based puzzle game about clearing out dungeons filled with roaches and other monsters, using your "Really Big Sword". Everytime you move one step, wait or turn your sword, all other monsters move a step as well. If a monster steps onto you, you die and have to restart the room from the beginning or the last checkpoint.

Custom level support and of course a level editor will be included. Rooms are divided into 12x12 squares, with each square being represented by 5x5 greyscale pixels (3-level grey). A level will be able to contain up to 8x8 rooms, and a hold is going to support up to 16 levels. Currently, I've got basic room drawing, player movement, the AI for roaches and collision checking working. This is what the game currently looks like:

Most of what can be seen in the animated GIF is temporary and will be improved (UI, room graphics) or replaced completely (death message).
It is targeted mainly at DROD players who are already familiar with the game and want to play it during class/long car trips/etc., but the game's mechanics are rather simple and shouldn't be too hard to understand.

Thanks to:
Quigibo, for the almighty Axe Parser, without it, this project would have to be written in terribly slow Basic or terribly complex Asm.
merthsoft, for TokenIDE, without it, I would get lost in my own code. ;)
NekoMithos, for his support and beta testing. (he's not registered on this forum)
Caravel Games, for creating such an awesome game.

All kinds of feedback are appreciated. :)

Axe / Get first/second byte of r-variable easily
« on: June 16, 2011, 10:31:34 am »
I know this is a quite noobish question, but is there an easy way to access the first/last 8 bits of a parameter passed to a subroutine without using {°r2} and {°r2+1}? The reason I need this is that I use 2-byte-variables for position data in my DROD8x project, 1st byte is for X, 2nd is for Y, and using {°r2} and {°r2+1} (with both r2 and r3) several times in a line gets pretty confusing as the project's complexity increases. I'm pretty sure that people had to be able to do this somehow before "°" was introduced to Axe, and it doesn't look like the most optimized way of accessing the bytes.

Thanks in advance,

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