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Topics - darkfire

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback and Questions / Banned from #Omnimaga IRC room
« on: June 10, 2009, 11:24:58 pm »
Hello Guys I decided because with this contest I should join the irc room to ask some question. But when I clicked on the irc link on the top of the page and entered the room I was automatically banned. I didn't even have the chance to say hello. It was Celtic III that banned me.  It just happend a few minutes a go 10:24 CST -6 GMT. Can that ban be removed thankyou

TI 68K / FFTOM 89 Port
« on: November 07, 2008, 04:29:32 pm »
Time to do something epic. I am planning on porting Final Fantasy: Tales of magic, to the 89. I was debating with myself to use C or to do it in basic.  I decided on basic + flib, cause that would keep in the spirit of the original game.

Alot of the graphics will get updating to match the power the 89 has. I will try to keep in the same drawing style that Hitoshi has.  This is game will be more of a remake then a direct port. So don't expect it to play the same as the 83 version goes.  As I start to get some visual results I will post them here.

I will be using Daisuke-Edit to write the game.  If anyone wants to help out or wants more info just holla. I have here on watch.

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