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Messages - williamvanr

Pages: [1]
Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: A New Programming Language
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:04:20 pm »
Yes, it will be able to run on any computer with a JVM. We are still learning, so we are going to start with basic features such as input, output, variables, and arithmetic. We will later add support for functions, if/else if/else statements, loops, arrays, and eventually classes and objects.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: A New Programming Language
« on: March 06, 2012, 08:43:14 pm »
@BlakPilar Yes, the bytecode structure of a .class file following the Oracle JVM spec:

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: A New Programming Language
« on: March 06, 2012, 08:26:23 pm »
Hello, I am working with Ki1o on the programming language, and I am posting to clarify our intentions for the programming language. We were eventually going to implement the lexer, parser, and interpreter in C++. However, we decided we wanted the language to be more portable, so we decided to implement the lexer and parser in Java and the interpreter in C++ (for performance reasons). Now we are just going to implement the whole project in Java and compile directly to Java bytecode. We plan to create a dynamically typed and easy to use (and eventually object oriented) programming language. We hope to reduce the verbosity of some other programming languages languages. Our reasoning for implementing the whole project in Java is that Java is easier to use (in my opinion) than C++, more portable, and more secure. We are still deciding on a name and would love any suggestions.

Just to show the simplicity of this language, Ki1o has already posted the methods for input/output.
< "Output"; // output
> variable;  // input
< "You entered " + variable; // Output expression

@cyanophycean314 you raise a good point and the way we will differentiate between these and the greater than and less than operators is by the context. If > or < is used by itself on a line, it implies input/output, if used as an operator (2 < 3) then it will be treated as a greater or less than operator.

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