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Messages - Ameobea

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / Re: Some dude is making a terraria like game for the TI-84 Plus SE
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:30:39 pm »
This is Ameobea, creator of the game and reddit post that has become such a hot debate so suddenly :p

I didn't expect it to be popular or anything. I'm NOT trying to compete with minecraft or anything stupid like that - its just that me and my friends all enjoy the game and I've been playing around with programming on the graphing calculator so decided to share what I've made. It's neither advanced nor revolutionary. After all, it's a one-bit pixel-based terrain generator, made by a highschool student with no formal instruction in programming. However, I understand your sentiments completely. Upon reading your posts, I can get your opinions and see where they're coming from.

I have another program I'm working on that generates caves; I was thinking about adding it on. I've made several other programs in the past, for the sole reason of distributing to my classmates and for the fun and accomplishment of writing them like minesweeper, tic-tac-toe against AI, memory match, etc. I really like pixel-by-pixel graphics, and that seems to stretch the limits of BASIC as I know it.

Anyway, this attention was unexpected and I honestly NEVER meant to cause conflict.  I'd name it something else, but mimecraft was what it was based on so... why not name it minecraft?  And it isn't even a full-scaled game!

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