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Messages - ust

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We'd still like to have shome photos of the 4-layer PCB ;)

Thanks for the instruction..

pics come

We'd still like to have shome photos of the 4-layer PCB ;)
sorry for the late.
I have got the proper tools, and removed the 2 T6 screws at bottom, 2 hidden tiny screws at top and 2 tiny screws in the battery compartment...
But, it seems with some pressure inside the battery compartment, there's nothing happens... the case is still tight...
should we first deal with the two white bars at both sides?

Yes, performing the complete format and reinstalling an OS should solve your problem.

Once you've removed the screws, opening the calculator is quite easy by just applying pressure inside the battery compartment.
2 screws are usually hidden under both top pads.

Thank you so much. I'll try that...
Unfortunately, the two screws beside the battery are too small, no suitable screwdriver at hand...

When your calculator boots, do you have a small blank sign/symbol in the top left-hand corner of the screen?

If yes, your calculator is operating in development mode and will only accept development OSes unless this can be changed.
If no, you're supposed to be able to load it with any compatible production OS.

In order to solve the "4+4 layer" mystery, you'll need to open the calculator and show us some pictures of the motherboard.
We can then compare those with our own pictures.

There's no signs or something else in that position.

But I'm wondering if the space error message will appear again after I enter maintenance, complete format and try to install OS...

any materials to show how to take the cal apart? there're 6 screws below the battery, 2 beside and 2 at the bottom...I'm trying..

It looks like a sample (not a prototype), yes, but informations so far match the production hardware and not the development hardware.

By the way, could you share a photo of the back of the calculator with us please?
But "NSC" would be Nspire Color ? "4+4 layer" would be about the motherboard layers ? looks a bit surprising if that's the case.

pic is coming

It looks like a sample (not a prototype), yes, but informations so far match the production hardware and not the development hardware.

By the way, could you share a photo of the back of the calculator with us please?

Sure. Here's the pic.  The only difference is the tag

Try the "Remove OS" option. It should work. Otherwise use the "Reformat All" option. Also, are you sure that it says 407,233 KB? That is more space than the calculator's 100MB can even hold.

I'm sure that's what the software error message says...
I've tried to enter the maintenance menu and select delete all documents, after reboot, the files within remain there...
Maybe the software within cal has been modified.

The informations you gave so far don't match known prototypes but production models.

Maybe your filesystem is just corrupt for some reason?
Try to reformat everything using the maintenance menu and to load a new OS.
on the back of cal, there's a paper tag with test info. {NSC 4+4 layer,  ESD, test sample No.}

I've tried to enter the maintenance menu and select delete all documents, after reboot, the files within remain there...

When I try to update the OS using Computer Link in normal status, error with"not enough space, plz free up an additional 407,233KB"
I'm not sure if OS updata can be done in maintenance...
And I tried to update the OS using an older version Computer Link, error with" type don't match"

any other further suggestions?

Well, the OS itself isn't a dev one, at least I believe so, since the theme.csv is the same one as the production ones, while the dev oens are much more verbose...
Who knows what you have ^^

Was the price quite lower than usual ?
the cal provider gives me one for study at a low price

These are normal files. I think it is a prototype, but I don't know what sort. Critor may be able to help.
Thank you all the same

got it from China...

in the root dir,
Examples->Getting Started 3_0.tns
MyLib->linalg.tns, numtheory.tns
that's all.

sorry but I unable to find how to attach file...
I have upload the file to this addr below.   

General Calculator Help / problems about nspire cx maybe prototype?
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:13:40 pm »
I have got a Ti-nspire cx recently.
But I can't modify any files or folders in the handheld. And can't update the OS.

When I connected it to the laptop using Computer Link, I can only copy files out of the handheld, but can't create new folders or delete files. When I click to create a new folder, the error message is "The file could not be transferred. The file name is invalid on the destination".
When I click to delete a file in the handheld, error"experienced a problem while communicating with the handheld.A retry may be successful".

Meanwhile, I can't modify files,(including create, save, delete) on the handheld side either.
If create, the created file will disappear after some refresh, and the cal may just reboot.
If delete files, the deleted file will appear again after some refresh.

Besides,when I try to update the OS, error with"not enough space, plz free up an additional 407,233KB" which is ridiculous.

There's no words saying it's a prototype on the cal. And I don't find any difference between production ones in terms of appearance.
OS is     ID is 1008000001A82234270464A681   
Boot1 3.0.99     Boot2 3.10.16
And the last 6 sn on the back is P 0711C

I have tried the reset button, no use.

I've tried to enter the maintenance menu and select delete all documents, after reboot, the files within remain there!!!

in the root dir,
Examples->Getting Started 3_0.tns
MyLib->linalg.tns, numtheory.tns
that's all.

I have upload the file to this addr below.   

is it a prototype one so that the function is limited?
is there any possibility to change it to normal one?

Thank you.

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