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Messages - Misklahr

Pages: [1]
Are you sure it isn't S-1007I?
Well, it's hard to see, because it looks like the "1" after the "S-"
So..  then the TI-84 plus don't have enough memory, like NecroF-_-ckk said?

Well, i'm kinda new to my calculator, it's a TI-84 Plus.
My serial at the end is "S-10071" (I got it about a week ago)
When I press [2nd]->[+ ] (MEM) then go down to [Mem Mgmt/Del...] then [Enter] it says:

RAM FREE: 11784
ARC FREE: 464169

My question is if I can have the gameboy simulator (TIboy) and play Pokemon Red/Blue on it? Just like I did on my "Gameboy COLOUR"

Thanks :)

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