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Messages - Chirlian

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Calculator C / C++ on Nspire-way through eye of a needle?
« on: February 19, 2017, 01:14:19 pm »
I am a unexperienced Nspire user and like to learn it to program (tools and maybe games). After some tries with TI basic and lua, I saw in forums that several programmers recommend to use c++. So I started my 1st try, knowing that i had an introduction course in c programming at 1988 or so... The installation under ms-dos was simple at this days.
Ok, that was my try:
used this tutorial:
-loaded os 4.4.0 and ndless 4.4 and installed both, everything looks ok
-loaded ndless-sdk from github (ndless-master)
-there is the info in the tut to install Cygwin and several other 'dependencies' (18). At other places it's told to install only 2, MinMW and MSYS, but here it's told that they don't work correctly.
So, is this really the way? Now I see why there are not so very much programmers that use c++ for nspire. Such a lot of programs/tools to get a c++ compiler to install?! Really discouraging. It must be a lot of work to get this all together, handle them right and get the whole thing started to compile the 1st hello world. My respect to all them who did it! But isn't there another way?

Lua / Re: Greyscale on Nspire/CAS
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:41:28 pm »
Hi Jens,
I will try this on my Clickpad to see, if I get a linear greyscale by this formula. In practice I did simply set the rgb channels synchron to 0/16/32/64 and so on to get the 16 greyshades that the clickpad can show. I will look, if that is as linear as using your formular.

Site Feedback and Questions / Sending PM
« on: April 29, 2015, 06:11:44 pm »
just I made this experience by trying to send a pm: I wrote the message, then I had to enter this grafical numbers. One I couldnt read, so I choiced the creation of a new number combination. I got it, but, the page got renewed and the editor window where I wrote my message was also renewed. Can you change it? (Or, if not, a hint for saving the written message would be helpful).
Thanks & greetings!

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi Omnimagas!
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:55:02 pm »
I side-lit one of my calcs.  Works ok, but the contrast has to be pretty high.
I got the best contrast by putting led on upside to an angle, that is close to see the led reflecting at lcd. The distance may be about 20-25 cm, the led I use are any of the newer that gives already much light at a current around 8-12 mA. All tries with close led at the lcd gave bad contrast at the Nspire, also with several leds and higher current. My main thing is still the construction of a mechanism that can be removed, when it's not needed.
The best solution I had (Lowe shortwave receiver) was demounting the lcd, removing the foil at backside cautionly and putting a milk glass like foil and a led stripe from a lighted lcd at backside. Whoever likes to try this with a Nspire? IoI

General Calculator Help / Re: Opening a TI-Nspire CX CAS
« on: April 26, 2015, 11:50:47 am »
One thing sholud be told... If you opens your CX/CAS with very small screwdriver, be aware that 2 pieces at reset hole don't get lost. A very small black round plastic with small pin has to sit in the reset hole with pin pointing to hole and a small grey rubber button has to be placed on it, the inner side with black conductive rubber pointing to small golden contacts at the board (and if it's adhering at the board, take it to a safe place, it may fall down by moving the Nspire board). By opening the Nspire both will fall out, when the back is hold upside. So look that the upper part with keys is upside and after opening, look for both pieces. They have a weight close to 0 and you know, such pieces can jump over incredible distances... So better to do this all on a wide table. When putting the Nspire together, replacing of the 2 parts is tricky. Put the black piece at his place and and put the grey button in right way on it, as I told before. Use a forceps, with fingers it's to difficult. Be careful, make not to much vibration by mounting back (of course laying at downside), otherwise the both pieces will change their position. When all seems right, try a reset before turning all screws in :-). Sorry about my very simple english.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi Omnimagas!
« on: March 25, 2015, 07:15:13 pm »
Oh, that's a kindly welcome. Thanks for this and some hints and links. Up to now I have not the impression that it is easy to find the Lua tutorials/manuals that I just need. Some infos here, some there, some examples that work, some doesn't (a beginner tut, made on ti software emu and using steadily the print command. Needed some time to understand, why this does nothing on nspire...). Maybe it's better to buy the programming book from iesus... jessas... one of the brazilian Lua founders, but v. 3 is rather expensive. So I am still trying, searching here and otherwhere.

The old light problem of the displays...  my working version is not bad, but I will present it when I can say that it's easy to make for everyone, cheap and as solid as it has to be for daily usage (at this time the main con to my construction). Am just going on from thick cables to plastic as led holder.

Lua / Re: Greyscale on Nspire/CAS
« on: March 24, 2015, 09:28:47 pm »
now everything (about this theme) is clear to me. I was experimenting with the single colors of r/g/b (because at b/w lcd they ever must show any grey). But your hint with setting them synchron makes is simple. Starting at 0, then 16 and 32 for all 3 colors I can't see any change on my clickpad display. Then at higher values I can see getting the grafik lighter. Theoretically the change must be at 64, 80, 96 and so on, but it's difficult to see this exactly. However, my question is answered, thank you! So it's very simple to get every grey value as wanted.

Lua / Re: Greyscale on Nspire/CAS
« on: March 24, 2015, 08:56:47 pm »
thanks for this info, but that is already clear for me (as radio/tv technician it should :-) ). My question is: to which of the 16 gray stages are which r/g/b values related? Up to now I see that this 16 greys are not spreaded over the 8 bit (would mean all 16 bit are a quant to next grey stage) but at about 176 I see the grafik starting to get a little lighter. And this seems to be spreaded over red and green, but blue seems not affected (am just trying this,may be it's not correct). So I am still looking which grey needs which r/g/(b) value. Should be a simple question but also at this lua pages (and TI pages) I didn't find any info about this.

Lua / Greyscale on Nspire/CAS
« on: March 24, 2015, 07:09:58 pm »
Am looking for any info about the greyscale that the clickpad/touchpad nspires are using with their b/w lcd. Not much what I find. A greyscale prog I could find, but it works only with Ndless. So how can someone use the greyscale in progs without info about the relation of r/g/b values to grescale 0-15? Ok, not really useful to search longer, I am writing such a program in Lua that shows this values and the related grey by a simple grafik. Am sure that a used coder would do it in shortest time, however, it's a good start for first steps in Lua. But: is there anywhere the info about the r/g/b values of the greyscale?

Introduce Yourself! / Hi Omnimagas!
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:54:48 pm »
I like the calculators for higher classes like TI Voyage, Casio Classpad und others like this. After some playing with them I got now an older Nspire Clickpad CAS. Same pain as with the other calculators: the display is ever much to dark. So i am trying with thick cables to get LED light to it from above. It looks not so good but it works. If I find a more stabile solution I may tell it. Now looking for hints for programming in Lua.

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