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Messages - bfr

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Other Calculators / Re: How you started programming
« on: March 24, 2009, 06:12:03 pm »
My friend had a TI-85 and showed me that he could program it (so then I got my first graphing calculator, the TI-86, because I wanted a calculator similar to the TI-85).

Computer Programming / Re: Video game programming with C++
« on: March 12, 2009, 08:17:00 pm »
I haven't done any C++ game programming in a while, but when I did, I mostly used SDL for graphics and stuff.  It is meant for 2-D graphics, but it works well with OpenGL if you want 3-D graphics later on.

There are also some libraries that work with SDL to extend its features, such as SDL_mixer to extend its audio capabilities, SDL_image for loading more types of images, and a few others here (mainly the ones prefixed with "SDL_").

I remember using mostly this and some other page/document that I forgot (it may have been something bundled with the SDL download) to help me learn how to use SDL.  You can visit here, here, and here for more tutorials and documentation.

I'm also pretty sure that both OpenGL and SDL work with C and C++.

EDIT: And also, this gives a decent introduction on using SDL.

Lastly, I recommend checking out Code::Blocks to use for your IDE.  It has built-in templates to help you use libraries like SDL.  You should probably use the latest nightly build here, as the official release hasn't been updated in over a year, I think.  Be sure to read How to use a nightly build first.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Super Star Hero screenshots/videos
« on: February 22, 2009, 03:28:01 pm »
Yeah, the music does fit really well.

RPG maker seems pretty cool.  I'll have to check it out sometime

F-Zero 83+ / Re: F-Zero Progress Thread
« on: February 15, 2009, 09:33:06 pm »
That looks really awesome, and being able to change the camera's viewing angle is cool.  I also like that the cars have shadows underneath them

Introduce Yourself! / Re: hey you
« on: February 03, 2009, 08:49:03 pm »
Hi, welcome to Omnimaga! :)

At one point it was around 8.1 or 8.8KB, but burntfuse increased it.

And it's nice that there's an on-computer BBC BASIC file editor.  I'm going to check it out once I get on my other computer

Thanks for the promotion of BBC BASIC. :) The latest version can be downloaded via this link -

Nice, I just downloaded and put it on my calculator (along with some of the sample programs too).  Now I just need to read up how to use it :p

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga
I am happy the programs are tokenized, because this was one downside of the old MLC1 project for the 86 of having each commands be made of alpha letter tokens.

Yeah, that's true.  The MLC 86 interpreter could only handle programs up to a certain size too - around 11KB I think (the TI-86 has 96KB of RAM, and no Flash ROM).  This was normally enough memory for a typical arcade or shoot-em-up game (for example, the shoot-em-up game burntfuse made takes up 5840 bytes, and the arcanoid game made by 4NIC8 and burntfuse takes up 2132 bytes), but probably wouldn't be enough for a large RPG. You could compress programs though to help with the size issue, but once compressed, you could no longer edit them.

Cool, all of these are looking really nice. 

I couldn't provide the latest version of MLC for the Algebra FX besides the one from the old Omnimaga website, though, because as mentionned above, all links are down everywhere.
I think I have a version on one of the computers in my house somewhere.  I'll try to upload it sometime.

I am kinda worried about the 68k version too, because it has been progressing so slowly in the past 3 years x.x, and there haven't been news since October
Yeah.  I've been busy with school and stuff, and other projects.  Pretty much the only coding I've done on a project this school year was during winter break.

General Discussion / Re: Metal!
« on: December 18, 2008, 06:24:49 pm »
I mostly like Rage Against the Machine-type metal, which I think is heavy metal.

TI Z80 / Re: Chip's Challenge
« on: November 29, 2008, 03:14:03 pm »
That screenshot (on the other page) looks pretty nice.

Chip's Challenge was actually one of my favorite games years ago (I think it came on a Windows 95 computer I used to have)

TI Z80 / Re: Othello with Artificial Intelligence
« on: November 09, 2008, 11:09:40 pm »
Quote from: nitacku
It would be sort of an ultimate goal to include self learning into the AI

Yeah, that'd be awesome 8)

This seems like a pretty interesting project.  I'll check out the demos you have so far

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hey
« on: November 09, 2008, 10:29:30 pm »
No don't worry I will try to make sure to not link to this horrible rickroll cover again.

and welcome back, simplethinker!

TI 68K / Re: FFTOM 89 Port
« on: November 08, 2008, 07:11:43 pm »

I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games before, but I'm looking forward to playing this  8)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: YAY! omnimagas back
« on: November 04, 2008, 04:53:51 pm »
Welcome back :)

News / Re: {AP} joins Omnimaga Staff ranks
« on: November 03, 2008, 09:55:48 pm »

Nyaar's looking pretty cool, and nice music. 8)

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