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Topics - critor

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Other Calculators / The new TI-36X Pro / 30X Pro MultiView bug
« on: October 06, 2011, 08:48:52 pm »
The TI-30X Pro MultiView introduced in september 2010 in Europe was withdrawn in october 2010 as it was giving wrong results.

Reintroduced in may 2011, it was strangely renamed TI-36X Pro in America.

A new bug with wrong results has been discovered, affecting both models:

For more accurate information and emulator screen captures, check TI-Planet:

Other Calculators / Nspire 3.0.1 to 3.1.0: the surviving bug
« on: September 30, 2011, 07:29:15 pm »
Nspire OS 3.0.1 was not only destroying calculators, which was the main fact reported here.

You might be less interested, but it was also giving wrong mathematical results in some situations, when 2.1.1 and older OSes had no problem.

All reported bugs seemed to have been fixed in the 3.0.2 OS.

But a new situation giving a wrong mathematical result has been found out on TI-Planet by Spirikoi. And of course, as it was not reported before, all 3.X OSes are affected: 3.0.1, 3.0.2 and the newest 3.1.0.

Check it out on TI-Planet:

Other Calculators / The TI-Nspire FlashLight
« on: September 24, 2011, 02:48:20 pm »
13 years ago, TI introduced the Flash technology with the TI-73/83+/89/92+.

Today, Levak has introduced the FlashLight technology with the TI-Nspire! :P

For more photos/infos:

Other Calculators / TI-Nspire Navigator stuff
« on: September 17, 2011, 05:20:09 pm »
I'm going to post here some of my dicoveries with the TI-Nspire Navigator system.

Episode 1: the rechargeable battery

The TI-Npire Navigator crade is using a specific huge rechargeable battery (compared to TouchPad/CX/CM rechargeable batteries): 3.7V, 1750mAh, 6.475Wh.

Check the module and its rechargeable battery photos here:

News / The TI-Nspire ViewScreen is a true Nspire too!
« on: September 14, 2011, 05:21:45 pm »
Some days ago, TI publised a 3.1 firmware update for the TI-Nspire LabStation cradle.
The TLO file was including a Nspire compatible OS (can be run on Goplat's emulator but won't show anything on the screen) and a Boot2.
More details were published on TI-Planet:
So the TI-Nspire LabStation cradle is a true TI-Nspire calculator, but with no screen and no keypad.

And the question was... Do other TI-Nspire peripherals work the same way?

I have discovered that the TI-Nspire ViewScreen panel uses an OS. And I have proof that it also uses a Boot2, a Boot1, and a diagnostics software. And guess what? The Boot2 and the diagnostic software are flashable too!

So the TI-Nspire ViewScreen is a true TI-Nspire calculator, but without the keypad. Opening it should reveal an Nspire-like PCB.

We should now try to find out how to dump it, as no firmware update was ever released publicly by TI.

Check the exclusive photos on TI-Planet:

Other Calculators / TI-Nspire OS 1.8
« on: August 15, 2011, 05:45:42 pm »
Thanks to Adriweb, here's the first photo of the TI-Nspire 1.8 OS, proving that it did exist.

It's the 1.8.0 CAS OS running on a basic TI-Nspire:

Seems the different protections can be bypassed with developer OSes and/or calculators.

Other Calculators / Official RS232 adaptator photo and much more!
« on: August 13, 2011, 07:21:02 pm »
Adriweb managed to take a photo of the official RS232 adaptator at TI-Dallas.

Unlike us, it doesn't use the external J01/Dock connector, but the internal 30-pins J04 connector.
Which means it should be able to do many other things...

It seems we've really missed something big with that J04 connector.
Have fun figuring out what! ;)

News / TI-84+ prototype photo
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:00:17 pm »
Adriweb managed to take a shot of a TI-84+ prototype at TI-Dallas. It's the 1st TI-84+ prototype photo ever published on the Internet!

It even has an unreported Boot Code version up to now.

Just check ->

News / The 1st homemade Nspire dock connector
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:14:59 pm »
Lionel Debroux has built the 1st homemade Nspire dock connector... :)

... and tested it successfully on a TI-Nspire CX! :) :)

Check the photos in the TI-Bank news:

Other Calculators / TI-SmartView 73, now available
« on: August 03, 2011, 09:31:15 am »
The official TI-73 Explorer emulator, TI-SmartView 73 1.0 is now available on TI web site.

Up to some weeks ago, it was only available on a demo CD shipped for free to North America residents. The matching form seems to have been removed.

The links aren't available publicly on TI web site to my knowledge. I've just made various tries by modifying other TI-SmartView emulators url, and this time the "73" suffix worked although it didn't work some weeks ago.

Just follow the links at the end of the TI-Bank news:

It's a 30-day trial.
The emulator comes with OS 1.91 and Boot Code 1.3007.

Other Calculators / T4x asm documentation
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:13:35 pm »
Finally, I managed to get my hands on a consequent T4x asm documentation.

The 4-bit T4x CPU from Toshiba is used in all recent TI scientific calculators:
- TI-30XB/XS MultiView
- TI-30X Pro MultiView
- TI-34 MultiView
- TI-36X Pro

Check on TI-Bank:

Why don't you switch your TI-Nspire 3.0/CX calculator with one of those? Their hardware is much more open, and I'm sure there is nor RSA key securing it! :P

Other Calculators / First Nspire OS 3.1 informations
« on: July 21, 2011, 01:08:34 pm »
The first informations on the next Nspire 3.1 OS have been published today on TI-Bank:

Other Calculators / [Contest] Great TI-Nspire Lua Contest 2011
« on: July 01, 2011, 09:51:33 am »
TI-Bank and Inspired-Lua team up to launch a great Lua programming contest this summer, with 3 TI-Nspire CX CAS! ;D

You can all take part in the contest, wherever you live.
Your program only has to be usable by french-speaking people. This might be easier for game programs, as some of them simply have no text.

Your TI-Nspire CX CAS will be shipped to your address, with tracking and insurance.

There are 3 categories for the programs:
- mathematics
- physics and chemistry
- games

Programs have to be submitted before the 30th september 2011 23h59 GMT+2 (France summer time).

In each category, the best program author wins a TI-Nspire CX CAS.

You can only submit one program, so you can only take part in one category. Choose well...

TI-Bank news:

You can submit programs created prior to the contest. They just have to be your own programs.

You can allways update an allready submitted program, or change the program or category by sending a new email to [email protected]. Only the last email with the attached program will be taken into account for the contest.

Good Luck! ;)

Les sites TI-Bank et Inspired-Lua s'associent pour organiser un grand concours de programmation Lua cet été, avec 3 TI-Nspire CX CAS à gagner! ;D

Vous pouvez tous participer quelque soit votre pays de résidence. :)
La seule exigence est que votre programme soit compréhensible pour un francophone.

Votre TI-Nspire CX CAS sera expédié dans votre pays de résidence, en envoi suivi et assuré.

Les programmes sont soumis dans 3 catégories de programmes:
- mathématiques
- physique-chimie
- jeux

Vous avez jusqu'au 30 septembre 2011 23h59 GMT+2 (heure d'été française - attention au décalage horaire! - il est conseillé de ne pas attendre le dernier moment, et de confirmer la bonne réception du programme soumis)

Dans chaque catégorie, l'auteur du meilleur programme remportera une TI-Nspire CX CAS.

Faites attention: le choix de la catégorie est également stratégique. Vous ne pouvez faire participer qu'un seul programme, et donc vous ne pouvez concourir que dans une seule catégorie.

TI-Bank news:

Il n'est pas interdit de soumettre un programme créé avant le lancement du concours, mais le programme doit bien évidemment être de vous.

Vous pouvez à tout moment mettre à jour un programme soumis, ou même changer de programme/catégorie en envoyant un nouvel email de participation à [email protected], seule la dernière participation reçue à la clôture du concours étant prise en compte.

Bonne chance! ;)

News / OS 3.0.2 downgrade now possible with DowngradeFix
« on: June 15, 2011, 06:20:27 pm »
Good news! :)

If you have installed the 3.0.2 OS without the 3.0.1 Boot2 (so if you're still on the 1.4 Boot2), a new software way of downgrading the OS has just been released.

It just does the same thing as Nleash, but in a different way.

Check here:

Note that unless they really want to, I don't credit new Nspire hacks developers anymore.
So the author of the tool is unknown in the TI-Bank database.

If you have installed the 3.0.1 Boot2, you'll still need to downgrade it with an RS232 interface, befor being able to remove the 3.0.2 OS downgrade protection with this new software tool.

Have fun.

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