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Messages - phenomist

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 10
Minecraft Discussion / Re: Minecraft 1.8 pre release!!
« on: September 11, 2011, 05:17:28 pm »
I literally found an enderman in a cave ~20 blocks away from my spawn. Oops.

Miscellaneous / Re: 5.9 earthquake in Virginia
« on: August 24, 2011, 05:33:26 pm »
Still remember that 2007 Halloween 5.6 earthquake.

Yeah mid-4.0 earthquakes are pretty fun.

Forum Arcade Games / Re: Tetris
« on: August 22, 2011, 07:50:26 pm »
Hmm so the longest-lived high score ends now.

News / Re: OmnomIRC moved to new server
« on: August 22, 2011, 02:16:58 am »
What a shame that it had to happen almost exactly on the 10000th topic.

Math and Science / Re: A little problem
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:06:28 am »
No limit kind sir.

Consider N = 2^k, for arbitrarily large k. then the answer is 1.

Now consider N = 2^k-epsilon, for arbitrarily large k. then the limit is 2.

[note: k = integer]

undefined limit.

(note: have floors, abuse boundary conditions :P)

Math and Science / Re: Loop all possible words algorithm
« on: August 05, 2011, 05:12:17 pm »
Also, pseudocode example for really fast generation:

Code: [Select]
initarray := [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z]
mod := initarray
while 1:{
for loopvar from 1 to dim(mod):{
output mod[loopvar]}
newmod := []
for loopvar from 1 to 26:{
temp := initarray[loopvar] + mod
newmod := newmod + temp
mod := newmod

ok this really kills the memory, whoops
and you'll have really long pauses for when the computer is calculating the next string length

EDIT: figured out a constant-time algorithm, same memory problems though
pseudocoded for viewing pleasure:
Code: [Select]
list := [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z]
queue := list
while forever{
pop queue => string
print string
concatenate string, list => list2
push list2 into queue

Math and Science / Re: Loop all possible words algorithm
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:20:25 am »
Attempt to create a short solution that fails epically (in TI-BASIC)

Darn my TI-BASIC coding skills are rather rusty. Didn't test oncalc, sorry.

Code: [Select]
:Disp "
:" ->Str1
:While B
:If C
:Disp "

Slightly shorter than ztrumpet's? :P

idk, but I think it's quite a bit faster

I can't vote either.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: CAS Theory
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:46:18 am »
If you need math stuffs I can help.

TI Z80 / Re: Contest Entry: Clones
« on: May 24, 2011, 09:39:51 pm »
By the way, you can also make unclimbable walls by creating ledges.

Official Contest / Contest Topic Directory [05/2011]
« on: May 22, 2011, 12:49:11 pm »
This is a compilation of contest topics for easy reference. If this isn't categorized correctly please do move.

Premise is based on what I can see in screenshots/posts.

Explosive Entry - Builderboy - Announced 5/17
Premise: Use explosive barrels and your trusty oversized gun in order to move blocks into place to reach the next level.

Vortex - leafiness0 - Announced 5/17

Clones - Michael_Lee - Announced 5/17
Premise: Create clones and you can control any one of them. Also, walljump.

Axe Shift - Darl181 - Announced 5/18
Premise: A port of the flash game Shift, where you can shift between two worlds, black and white.

Escape! - yunhua98 - Announced 5/18
Premise: Block-pushing puzzle, including buttons, holes and other elements.

Uncharted TI - Ashbad - Announced 5/18
Premise: Rockets go boom and spread fire too. Rope physics included as well.

Bipolar - leafiness0 - (Used to be Vortex) Changed 5/18
Premise: Phase between two worlds superimposed on each other, in a Time Cufk style.
(NOTE: from insider info I can tell you that this isn't actually the final competition idea. I won't divulge further.)

AXLE - tloz128 - Started 9/5/10, Announced recoding 5/18
Premise: Impressive graphics in a Mario-like platformer.

Continuity - aeTIos - Announced 5/19
Premise: Port from the flash game Continuity. Combines puzzle with some platformer.

Kirby - yeongJIN_COOL - Announced 5/19
Premise: Takes elements from Kirby, great graphics as well.

Time Shift - SirCmpwn - Announced 5/19
Premise: Reverse time to solve some puzzles.

Nymless - Freyaday - Announced 5/20
Premise: One pixel character action! Action-based platformer. Includes wall-jumping.

Cube Droid Saves the Galaxy - ZTrumpet - Announced 5/22
Premise: Based on the Flash Game of the same name.  Save the galaxy by solving puzzles.

3-D Platformer Entry - squidgetx - Announced 5/22
Premise: Platform in 3-D! There's a whole new world out there!

Doodle God - jhgenius - (Used to be Continuity), Changed 5/24
Premise: Based on the Flash Game of the same name. Combine elements to create the universe.

Tag - leafiness0 - (Used to be Bipolar, which used to be Vortex), Changed 5/25
Premise: Paint gel on walls, converting the wall's attributes to traverse the spiky terrain.

@all competitors: if you don't like my premise, you can submit one of your own.

Math and Science / Re: Cool math hacks
« on: May 08, 2011, 06:28:14 pm »
division by 2 semihack

128391284905932852 / 2:
lump up even blocks:
12 8 3912 8 4 90 5932 8 52 /2
divide by two without carry on each digit
01 4 1401 4 2 40 2411 4 21
add a bunch of 5's
05 0 0555 0 0 05 0555 0 05
06 4 1956 4 2 45 2966 4 26
= 64195642452966426.

Math and Science / Re: Non-linear sequence
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:40:26 pm »
Phenomist, the rules of a CA are difficult to operate on like that. For example, 2CA110(n)=/=CA110(2*1) for n=1. However, 3CA110(n)=CA110(2) for n=1, although it fails for n=2 and above. So, right from the start, your derivation is flawed. To fix it also presupposes the very question that I was asking ;)

I was describing a different function, namely the CA110step(n).

CA110(n) can be expressed as CA110step(CA110step(...(1)...)) where CA110step( is applied n-1 times.

For example, 2^8 can be seen as 1 with the x=>2x function applied 8 times.

It would be easier to talk about CA110step(x) because we know what each step of CA 110 does. However in the end, the situation of CA110step( (and hence CA110( ) may be the same as Ackermann( and other recursive functions that can't be explicitly defined.

Math and Science / Re: Non-linear sequence
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:20:44 pm »
@Xeda: Any polynomial interpolation will be bound to lose accuracy pretty quickly, considering that f(x)>2^(x-1) which is exponential.

Progress on creating an explicit formula, I believe, can be done the following way:
1) Create a recursive CA110 step function. For example CAstep110(1) = 3, CAstep110(3)=7, etc.
2) Find an explicit formula for this, using characteristic polynomials.
3) Recursively apply the explicit formula to 1, to generate this.

So far, for step 1, I have the following:
CAstep110(2n) = 2CAstep110(n)
CAstep110(4n+1) = CAstep110(4n)+3 = 4CAstep110(n)+3
CAstep110(8n+3) = CAstep110(8n+2)+1 = 2CAstep110(4n+1)+1 = 8CAstep110(n)+7
CAstep110(8n+7) = CAstep110(8n+6)-1 = 2CAstep110(4n+3)-1

The fourth equation is the problematic one.

Math and Science / Re: Non-linear sequence
« on: April 27, 2011, 02:19:09 am »
Looks like it's very close to powers of two. Let's express it in binary.

At first I thought I saw a Sierpinski triangle, but it appears not.
Perhaps it's still a cellular automaton though. (1-D hopefully)

Left-align doesn't appear too productive - note that 110 maps to 1 in 4~5, but maps to 0 in 7~8
So try right align?

000 => 0
001 => 1
010 => 1
011 => 1
100 => 0
101 => 1
110 => 1
111 => 0

so Rule 110 CA. IIRC, it's one of those CAs that is Turing complete or something.

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