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Topics - tifreak
« on: April 26, 2012, 01:45:48 pm »
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:37:25 pm »
A user on Cemetech posted up, looking for help for getting the letter keys to directly paste to a string and display. Since the Prizm doesn't have a good configuration of keys like the Z80 TI's do, it took a while to get figured out, but I did manage it. I present, Key2Text: a bit after releasing that, I wondered how hard it would be to make a scrolling menu on the homescreen, so I decided to do that to. You can find that routine here: thought I'd share, incase anyone was interested in such things here.
« on: August 26, 2011, 06:15:17 pm »
I wasn't quite sure if this would be the appropriate section, but this is a site question, so yeah. :p Basically, what I need.. Some of the senior members of the forum know about TI-Freakware, and know that I have a links section and tutorials section that are or used to be somewhat impressive. I'm hoping to make them that once again. Ashbad was kind enough to allow me to copy his tutorial for Axe over to TI-Freakware to offer an archive of it, which can be found here: goal was always to make TI-Freakware be a source of information from all the different sources of information, to have it nicely organized in one place. I'm just looking here to see if any of the authors of tutorials here would allow me to post a second copy that is credited to them on my own site. And if this topic violates any rules I'm not aware of, I apologize.
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:53:55 pm » purpose of this twitter account is to post up small updates on what I accomplish with pokemon. Just in case anyone would care to see the little things, as I have time to add them :p
« on: January 02, 2011, 06:34:54 am »
To start the new year off; Currently working on code for the battle engine, find the GUI code bits here: the Equations program, it used to use L_EPA for the list. The program before was 1003 bytes. I changed every instance of L_EPA to use L_2, the program is now 906 bytes in size. Progress continues into the new year..
« on: September 24, 2010, 10:36:42 pm », I am wondering if there are any sprite artists that could shrink those down to fit in a 32x32 and still look good. I have cropped the sprites as they are, but you really only see a face and part of the body in most, but you can tell they are different people in each. It was a suggestion made in the main pokemon topic, so yeah. Anyone that would have the time and inclination to help? They would need to be straight black and white, I can get the hex of them myself, so no need to go that extra bit. Thanks in advance!
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:10:58 pm »
Not sure if anyone else has played this, but omg it is amazing and needs to be the next thing to make it to the 68k. fav player is Bill R, the contra character x]
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:26:32 pm »
As to these proposed ' needs an overhaul' discussions.. let's actually discuss them! I was talking with a user on #ti about changing the layout of the projects section. Basically, instead of having their posting set up, it would just be a listing of projects being worked on, seperated by calc type. I came up with a mock-up of sorts, but.. it obviously needs the help of the community to make it so we all can agree on things and how it looks., I used my own project for this. :p I was told as long as we could come up with a satisfactory mock-up of what was wanted, then it could possibly be coded in. Keep in mind. I am not asking them to host a forum for us to discuss projects. The point of this is to get the projects on one central site, linking back to someplace else for the actual discussion of said projects. Having them either link to screenshots, or hosting up to maybe 4 of them, I dunno. I think I would rather they just link to the screenies and save space on their servers. What else do you think should be added? Anything you think should be taken out?
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:37:11 am »
Yup, new year, new topic.
I got the code for the NPCs to supposedly talk, but something is messed up and I get an error syntax and dumped onto the homescreen with 'prgmZGA' listed. It is odd, because this is a BASIC program, not ASM.
I am not 100% sure what is wrong at this very moment, but I will work on it more in the morning.
« on: September 08, 2009, 01:08:29 pm »
Copied from Cemetech: Well, I have posted that I was working on this in the pokemon purple progress thread, but have yet to reveal the final plans on this program's purpose and what it shall be able to accomplish.
Mainly, this program is for me to input data in a program, use Celtic2 with a decent interface to create an appvar, and to dump the data from the program to the appvar with very little trouble. It will also do the reverse, to ensure that the data itself is being set up correctly.
As of this moment, the following works:
:: Setting program name :: Setting appvar name :: Checks program size :: Checks appvar size :: Creates new program
Next up are:
:: Create new appvar (just basing off new program routine) :: Transfer from program to appvar :: Transfer from appvar to program
I figured this would be more appreciated here than there, since there are others here that might use the program  Will let you know when I get it finished.
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:09:58 am »
So, after having gone through and remade AOD for the 73, 82, 83, and 86, I had decided at one point to update the coding itself on the 83+. And after DJ took a quick shot at trying to play, we determined that the game is really broke, since it gives an error that NO ONE has reported. >[
Anyways, this should now be fixed, and fully updated to using my newest coding style. I have shaved off 358 bytes off of the game. You might say 'Oh, but this is so little, you should not be happy with this'
This is actually the second update this game has seen to its coding, and I had managed to shave off around 600 that last time I think. That data was lost tho.. or it might be written down on paper, I might have to rummage through notes and see.
Anyways, I think it is ready to be re-released again, got to button up a few things in the readme and such before resubmitting to ticalc and calcg, where it will definitely show up almost immediately on calcg. =]
Just thought I would post this for anyone that would be interested.
« on: May 20, 2009, 01:58:57 pm »
This topic is not so much a 'project in progress' as it is a 'project that is way way old (Feb 05) and I recently found and said "oh hey, you need upgrades kthx"' So I did. =] was built by Fred Sparks, aka CDI, aka Zeromus, specifically for building maps for my RPG Starter Kit version 1. I was going through the files listed in my profile on, and saw this, and couldn't remember for the life of me what it was. So after a quick download and look through (grimacing quite hard) I decided that this could be far, far better than it was. The previous version only allowed you the characters available normally. I have made it so now you have access to everything.  So, um, yeah. Discuss.  Oh yeah! forgot the link for the RPGSK:
« on: October 09, 2008, 07:27:42 pm »
Well, this is a show that I saw posted about on Deviant Art, and thought that it might sound cool, so I checked it out. It is hilarious! It is a mixture of Super Mario Bros, Sonic the hedgehog, and Dragonball Z. I think the episodes are well done, and you guys should at least give them the once over, if you like Mario.  ep1, if someone knows how to get the vids off there, that would be epic of you to share with me...
« on: October 01, 2008, 03:33:07 pm »
 Introducing Pokemon Purple, for the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, a game made almost entirely in TI-BASIC, using ASCII graphics for the maps, and actual graphics for NPC interactions and battles. I was "inspired" to create this game, as people were complaining that TI-BASIC is not capable of great things, and I wish to prove them wrong. The game is currently in an early beta stage, as the overall game is only about 7% complete. I am hoping to be able to provide a window for TI-83+ users to get a glimpse of the Pokemon world that many people, young and old, still enjoy. There were some screenshots of Pallet town here, however, they are outdated, as I no longer use them anymore. Currently the ability to enter into buildings is not programmed in yet, hence no screenshots of the interiors are available as of yet. The menu system is fairly easy to navigate through as you have a series of selections and you pick one. No brainer, right?  As you progress in your journey, you have 8 Gym Leaders to defeat, which you can keep track of on your Badge Card:  As you defeat these trainers, and you get their badges, your Badge Card begins to fill up:    The items system is something that I created, because of the complexity of having or not having items. So, I created this menu of it, seperated into "pockets" which help organize where things are.  The Pokedex system is still in works, though I almost have it complete. I had to design and create a scrolling menu syste for the graphscreen, which, to my knowledge, had not been done before, had not been done too well. Creating this gave me some troubles, but they have all been worked out, here is a screenshot (so far) of the pokedex system:  And after spending many, many weeks, I managed to get all the Pokemon pictures (32x32 icons) posted to black and white, hexadecimal. I use a program that was first created by me, and then severely optimized by another programmer, to take a hex value, and interpret it to display a sprite on the graphscreen, in much the same way that assembly programmers can do the same. Here is some screenshots of the pokemon:  And for the last bit that I have so far up to 12/14/2006, here are some of the NPC's that you will eventually be able to interact with:  The latest things that have happened is a fully functional save system, and a 4-way scrolling map system:  If you want a ton more screenshots, you will have to go check out the screenshot page, as any other dialup user would die with them all showing at once... check out the latest alpha, download here: am currently working on completely revamping the pokedex system, and other such things, as I have changed certain data structures.