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Messages - willrandship

Pages: 1 ... 206 207 [208]
Other Calculators / Re: Is this a correct comparison?
« on: April 11, 2010, 11:00:08 pm »
From what I've read from googling, the second CPU is sometimes used for Graphics, and I can find no technical specifications that say there is an actual GPU, but there might be one built into the processor.

Good to know about that 3d thing! Personally, SNES emulation has me the most excited, and has almost no 3d capabilities whatsoever (discounting Super FX and the like, since they are apparently VERY hard to emulate)  and simply has sprites with multiple backgrounds to make up separate layers.

I just had a very curious idea: DevkitPro on the Nspire. Probably a stupid idea, but it could be interesting.

Stupid mosquitoes! They just came back in my area.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Helloooo out there!
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:21:29 pm »
I'm afraid I don't understand the peanuts reference.

Rule 3 refers to double posting, right? I found the edit button right after I posted. Sorry!

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Helloooo out there!
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:49:01 pm »
Double Post: How come I'm not allowed to play games at the arcade?

Introduce Yourself! / Helloooo out there!
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:47:55 pm »
Hi, my name is will and I feel like programming something on the nspire. I might as well since i'm getting one in a few days. You can spot me if you find ridiculous ideas all over the place that may or may not be possible. I'm still not too familiar with any calculator stuff except BASIC, so I'll probably say a lot of uninformed stuff.

Does this forum email responses? I would prefer it if it's available.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Are you guys Excited about Starcraft II?
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:40:41 pm »
A friend of mine got it recently, and gets clobbered daily. ::) I haven't had a chance to see it yet, but he says it's a lot like the original, but with more units added and the 'lings can be rushed lots easier. He also says everyone gets air way too fast, but that might be just because he stinks. :P

Other Calculators / Is this a correct comparison?
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:34:54 pm »
I was speculating about the Nspire, having found out that it uses an ARM chip. Since that is the case, comparison to other ARM devices should be fairly close, correct?

The point is, if they are truly in perspective to each other, the DS is significantly less powerful than the nspire. For instance:

Nspire has 150 MHz processor (according to DS has two: 66Mhz and 33Mhz.
Nspire has 16MB of ram (not flash), DS has 4MB.

This means that almost anything that can run on DS (not touchscreen dependent) could run on the Nspire! For example: SnemulDS (SNES), A billion different NES emulators, and various other homebrew.

Also, since they are both ARM, could a call style setup like the one in TI-Boy for the 84 be used for GBA? I feel much more uncertain about this one, but it may be a possibility so I'll throw it out there.

Thanks in advance!

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