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Topics - ztrumpet

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OmnomIRC Development / New Posts shown in Private Matters
« on: October 19, 2011, 04:53:55 pm »
The new board, Private Matters, shows up by Spybot45.  This should be fixed, as people would not like personal matters leaking into #omnimaga.  Thanks, Netham. :)

News / Private Matters Section Added
« on: October 18, 2011, 06:20:45 pm »
Today a new section on Omnimaga was created.  It is named "Private Matters," and as the name implies it is for things that are not for everyone's eyes.  Formerly the Spam section was used for this, but with its temporary closing and recent suggestions from this thread the staff took the time to complete this task.  We hope you enjoy this new board and hope it is not used for spam.  It is open for anyone with 100 or more posts.

Link to new section:

Miscellaneous / General Note to my Omnimaga/Facebook friends
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:15:01 pm »
 I figured I'd write this to everyone to state that I've decided to unfriend everyone that I know from the calculator community on Facebook.  This decision was brought on because I don't actually know any of you and because of the "clean up your Facebook" speeches I've heard for applying to colleges (or jobs).  I'm sorry if this offends any of you; I still like you guys, I just decided to remove everyone I don't actually know.
 - ztrumpet

News / A New "Wave" of Physics Simulations
« on: September 21, 2011, 03:48:38 pm »
Recently there have been quite a few developments in the realm of physics in Axe.  Two days ago Builderboy released Zedd, source and all, so it could be used by any Axe programmer wanting some "proper physics" without having the knowledge to do so himself.  This is already illustrated by Graviter, leafiness0's incredible platformer.  In the last 24 hours, however, water physics have been all the rage.  Two new water physics demonstrations were released within one hour of each other.  The first, buttsfredkin's Water Simulation with Track Drawing exhibits the cellular automata effect many experienced coders are familiar with seeing, yet it looks extremely nice in doing so.  The second, is an all new way of looking at Water in Axe altogether.  Builderboy upgraded his buoyancy library from Zedd to make it a fully featured Water Surface Simulator.  Needless to say it looks incredible.  All four of the programs demonstrate wonderful physics, and hopefully this shows that there will be many new games with awesome physics released soon.



Water Simulation with Track Drawing

Water Surface Simulator

Other Calculators / MOVED: TI-84+ prototype photo
« on: August 13, 2011, 08:50:07 pm »
This topic has been moved to News.

TI Z80 / Detonate
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:56:11 pm »
Introducing... DETONATE

Detonate is an innovative game that I had the idea for soon after submitting my demo of Cube Droid to the contest.  I've been working on it on and off since then.  You can do a few things:
1. Push bombs around.  Whee.
2. Set off said bombs.  You do this by setting a pilot bomb by pressing 2nd.  Then it moves down the chain in all directions.  These bombs can blow up other bombs as well as certain blocks, but of course, they can also blow up the exit.
3. Get to the flag.  Do this to advance.

This is going to be a smaller game, but I will not sacrifice much for pure size.  I'm just not going to worry about size at all and see if it ends up around 3000-4000 bytes or so.  Part of this is because each level only takes up 26 bytes of memory.  You gotta love octal compression (plus two bytes).

Let me know what you think!

Other Calculators / Your Dream Calc RPG
« on: July 23, 2011, 10:38:52 pm »
So, I've been doing a lot of thinking recently about my own RPGs, Elmgon and Midnight, and I began to expand on their concepts and daydream.  I got to thinking about what the perfect calc RPG would have, and what would make it perfect.  However, since everyone's definition of perfect is different, I decided to ask for everyone's opinion.  I want to know what your dream calc RPG would be like.  So, let's start a list and begin this thought process of what would be the most perfect calc RPG ever.

I'll start with a few of my thoughts:

1. An amazing story.  Without an incredible hook no RPG gets above "bland" unless one of its other aspects really stands out.
2. A great battle system.  Whether it's a screen of its own or on the map, turn based, or action packed, the battles must be easy to control yet fun throughout the experience.
3. Character depth.  Something must be know about the characters so there's some sort of motivation to keep progressing through the game.  You have to feel for the character, and want to control them so they will succeed.
4. Suspense.  Keep the player on the edge of their seat at key points throughout the game so they'll want to keep playing so they can figure out what happens next.
5. Validation. Reward the player for playing.  This can be achieved by something as simple as leveling up or something as difficult as bonus mini-games that will keep rewarding the player for advancing in the game.
6. Resolution.  Make sure all the loose ends are tied up at the end of the game so people aren't left wondering what happened to some character or characters.

Let me know what you think.  I'd love for this topic to turn into a resource where people stuck in RPG development (like myself) can turn to to get ideas.  Thanks!

Miscellaneous / MOVED: I am a Backs :)
« on: July 12, 2011, 07:14:23 pm »
This topic has been moved to Spam because it turns out that ruler getting back leads to very spammish discussions.  Not that anyone reads these topic anyways. :P

News / ThePenguin's TruVid
« on: July 08, 2011, 11:07:11 am »
Earlier today, ThePenguin77 released a demo of TruVid, a program by him which creates 4 level grayscale video with sound for the TI 83+/84+(SE) line of calcs.  It in only for 15 mhz calcs, and even then not a lot of video is stored on the calc.  By his estimates, the 83+/84+SE can hold about 45 seconds and the 84+BE can hold around 15 seconds. But, this is full video on the calculator with sound.

Here's a Youtube video showing it in action:

Link to the Discussion Topic, including Downloadable Samples and the Source

This is truly revolutionary software for the 83/84 line of TI's graphing calculators.

Other Calculators / MOVED: Axe Contest Participants - Hurry
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:53:53 am »
This topic has been moved to News.

News / Myst 89 Released
« on: June 21, 2011, 03:35:49 pm »
Today Stefan Bauwens released Myst 89 for the TI-89 series of graphing calculators.  He considers it a demo because the whole game would be impossible fit onto a calc but there's a lot of fun in this game.  It's limited to the main island and some other things, but it's apparently worth the huge file size.  This is a great adventure point-and-click game and should not be missed by people TI-89 series calculators.


Spoiler For Another Image:

Official Release Post
Original Discussion Topic

Music Showcase / [ZTrumpet's Songs] Dreaming of Storms
« on: June 02, 2011, 08:03:02 pm »
Here's a song I made today, as I was bored.  I still have a lot to learn about composition and stuff, but it has its moments.  I used a lot of chromatic runs in here and jacked the tempo to 240 bpm so I could have pseudo 32nd notes. :D
Let me know what you think.  Oh, and Enjoy! O0

Miscellaneous / Where is SirCmpwn?
« on: June 01, 2011, 04:35:49 pm »
I received a text from Sir earlier today, who wanted me to let the community know that he won't be around for at least two weeks, due to his parents.  Unfortunately, Sir's parents have a history of grounding/punishing Sir quite often for minor incidents, so I doubt if we see much of him at all for this time.
That's pretty much it. :-\

Other Calculators / USB Cable for 84+
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:21:39 pm »
I realized that not all of the 84+(SE) users had usb to mini usb b cables to hook their calc directly into their PC.  So, I went to Amazon, looked around, and found one.  I'm 99% sure it'll work, but since it's quite cheap there's really no harm done if it actually doesn't work.  Here's the link:
Enjoy. :D

Miscellaneous / MOVED: What is your location?
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:10:22 pm »
This topic has been moved to Spam because it contains information that users may or may not want visible to guests.

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