Omnimaga > Reuben Quest

[Reuben 3] Demo 1

<< < (5/5)

Oh, Okay!

In the battle screen, will the weapon animation change? It was kind of strange
seeing Reuben wield a stick that looked oddly like a sword.
I also think that the magic animations should change.

I made a pickaxe sprite from a classic Minecraft
diamond axe.

I like the animations as they are and I definitely want Reuben to keep it's own sprites. A separated version with other sprites would be fun, though.
Also, I myself can clearly see the sword as a sword.

If you want to help making Reuben Quest, try here.

What I meant was that in this demo, Reuben has a stick in battle. Shouldn't it look like a stick?

Oh, right his first weapon is a stick, he'll hopefully have other weapons later.

Sorunome says he will; I just haven't heard anything about current progress yet.


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