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[ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
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Topic: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown (Read 15135 times)
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[ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
October 09, 2009, 08:01:13 pm »
Well, I got bored and figured I'd have a go at ROM hacking.
So... I picked some stuff up, got some ideas rolling, and the project is in the works.
It'll be a hacked version of Pokemon: LeafGreen for the GBA.
I've changed the starting Pokemon and all the text from start to Viridian City.
It's kinda just a more R-rated version than anything else at the moment, but that's mostly while testing.
(This is probably just another way for me to vent. Whatever, I like my world.)
Maybe I'll clean up a bit, but for now... expect a lot of cussing, sexual innuendos, and even drug related stuff.
AKA, it's like I made the world a prettier, but still horrible version of places in real life.
Main thing I wanted to do is include some humor and internet memes along the way as well as a slightly different experience.
Expect new maps, NPCs, and more content changes than you can shake a stick at!
No idea how long this project will be worked on... might just be a phase I'm going through since I've been sick and stuck at home.
Have another screenshot or two:
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #1 on:
October 09, 2009, 08:05:23 pm »
haha i love the screenshots.
I like the teacher especially
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #2 on:
October 09, 2009, 08:07:34 pm »
Yeah, still in the early stages but I like how things are coming along.
Also, this project WILL be released, finished or not.
First time I say to myself "I don't feel like doing this today", I'll release whatever I have.
So... yay?
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #3 on:
October 09, 2009, 08:09:12 pm »
Nice, didn't knew you were into ROM hacking too. I know Genolo/Geno from IRC is, too (mostly Super Mario World). I only ever did F-Zero X hacking.
It sounds like some sort of Pokemon Parody, it should be quite funny to play (you might want to make sure it doesn't have way too much area-specific slang language, though, for those who don't speak english as native language
, altough most stuff should do) and I think they're getting a bit unoriginal with always having weird colors as the game subtitle
, so I kinda like your choice
you should really change some of the stuff like sprites and certain tiles, for example, change some rivals to
rick astley and Tay Zonday
some celebrities or hated people? It would be even funnier, altough I dunno how hard Pokemon is to hack?
I am planning one day to port some of my calc RPGs to a console or handled rom hack, but I'm still unsure which one to choose and which one would be the easiest to use. I might just do RPG Maker 2003 again
EDIT: I also hope you release Nyaar Demo 2 soon too
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #4 on:
October 09, 2009, 08:11:36 pm »
I like the idea of changing sprites... but sadly, I'm not much of a sprite artist.
Changing them is easy, making them takes some skill.
If anyone's willing to be a sprite artist, then throw a reply or PM my way and we can work on this. =P
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #5 on:
October 09, 2009, 08:21:50 pm »
Well, actually, I do use Charas.EX for character sprites (assuming Pokémon sprites are the same format as RPG Maker 2003), I am not too great myself. Charas.EX is some old tool that comes with small images of clothes, hairs, bodies, items and stuff and you can change the colors of most of them in the settings. You can even make some monsters. I'm not sure what's the sprite format for Pokémon, though, but charas.ex creates PNG files from what I remember (256 colors). You can find it here:
Else, you can use the online generator, but I never used that one. Save often if you use the offline version, though, because it sometimes crashes when the "save as" or "open file" boxes are open
This is what I used to create most characters in the MCOG game I made and the other game I was working on a while ago
EDIT: It appears the Charas.EX version seems to have last been updated 5 years ago, I didn't notice that the last time
, so you might want to try the online version first, to see if it works, and if it doesn't, then try the offline one, which has less ressources
Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 08:27:03 pm by DJ Omnimaga
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #6 on:
October 10, 2009, 03:09:36 pm »
I am met with a problem!
I'm having a hard time deciding if I should keep the adventure mostly the same, but with new areas, changed dialogue, etc.
Change everything completely.
I'm leaning towards the former since I did just want to change up the original a little bit in the first place.
That and doing the latter will be a bigger job for sure. I just can't make up my mind still.
Whole new area would be cool, but then I feel like I'd require a sprite artist who's devoted to the project.
I'm thinking I'd need to change the all the tiles, all NPCs, and hell, even all the Pokemon and... quite frankly, I'm not sure I have that great of an imagination. At least, not one big enough to INVENT more of these things.
I think I just decided for myself, but might as well see what you guys think.
I'm listenin'! I swear!
EDIT: New idea!
I can try and keep the humor, make the game a bit more serious, take out the R-rated-ness, and add more features!
Or do all that but keep all the R-rated-ness!
This one will definitely be more decided by the people.
I need your words!
Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 03:24:29 pm by {AP}
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #7 on:
October 10, 2009, 03:32:15 pm »
You should definitely change up the game a little and make it a bit more serious but keep the R-rated-ness and humor in. I think that'd make the game more "realistic" in a sense
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #8 on:
October 10, 2009, 03:44:00 pm »
I do like the R-rated-ness. =)
Somehow... I think I'm starting to cross from 'realistic' to 'overboard'.
Oh well. ^^
I think I am going to keep the maps mostly the same and just add new stuff.
Less work + keeps nostalgia = Yay~
BUT... don't let that stop anyone from stating ideas about any of the above 'problems'.
I just like to think aloud. =D
Oh, other ideas are welcome too!
More thinking aloud:
Way to finish the game WITHOUT battling once! =D (Great concept, not sure how to implement yet.)
More content for AFTER the Elite 4. Finally, training to Lv100 without spamming the Elite 4! ^_^
New towns based off of internet culture! City full of people who talk like IRC users! (and more)
Secret passage ways a la old skool RPGs! I missed those things.
Parodies, memes, annoyances, and more!
/end train of thought
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #9 on:
October 10, 2009, 04:19:49 pm »
I vote YES! on your "more thinking aloud" bit
Oh, and you MUST have a Route 9001
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #10 on:
October 10, 2009, 04:21:13 pm »
xD Genius!
Consider it already made. =D
Interesting... I was looking through the maps and... In the Sevii Islands, Island 6 and 7 don't exist and there's an Island 8 and 9 that are pretty empty.
...might be mislabeled or something. =/
Last Edit: October 10, 2009, 04:34:16 pm by {AP}
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #11 on:
October 10, 2009, 05:38:07 pm »
Mhmm as long as you keep some humor in I'm fine. Just make sure it is not way too hard, though
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #12 on:
October 10, 2009, 06:59:44 pm »
Can you add pokemon moves, because who doesn't want to teach their pokemon hammer time and rick roll and shoop da whoop
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Re: [ROMHACK] Pokemon: DirtBrown
Reply #13 on:
October 10, 2009, 07:04:01 pm »
Add... not positive. Edit? Simple.
Add new animation... eh... that's a BIG if.
I haven't delved too deep in that area yet.
Though, I must admit... that's freaking GENIUS. Didn't even occur to me.
Definitely adding to my list of things to at least try to do. =P
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