Calculator Community > S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy)

[S.A.D.] Progress 2010

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I finished drawing them, now I need to start coding them!  These are the remaining icons you select using Hotkeys to accomplish your goals and build your empire in a galaxy far far away...actually, let's not get into that, the game takes place in the Milky Way  ;)

The first picture is all ability icons for researching.  If an ability has been researched or cannot be researched, the tile is left blank.

From left to right, top to bottom, by group:

Argo Plasma Torpedoes, Researched at an Argo Laboratory
Tank Extended Range, Researched at a Factory
Degruser Mines, Degruser Photon Torpedoes, and Raptor Deflector Shield, Researched at an Armory
Reclauda Detector, Reclauda Mine Detector, Reclauda Seismic Charge, Scouter Jet Pack, Balkstone Booster Engines and Camoza Booster Engines, Researched at a Starbase
Camoza ITNT, and Raptor Teleport, Researched at a Manhatton Station
Scouter Cloak, Camoza Cloak, and Balkstone Cloak, Researched at a Quantum Facility
Splitron Plasma Torpedoes, Researched at a Command Center

The second picture is options you can select at an Operation Center or a Transfomation Gateway.  From left to right, top to bottom: Exchange, Repair, Refuel, Restock, Refuel on Fuel, Refuel on Sephrane Gas

The third picture is the structures you can build.  The first group is basic structures.  Pressing PGRM will take you to research facilities and Operation Centers, and pressing PGRM again will take you back to the basic buildings.  Defense, Transformation Gateways, Detectors, ACCs, Watchtowers and Refineries are all basic structures.

For those of you wondering where the option for "Teleport" is, that will come when I have a better idea of what the process of teleporting will look like.

DJ Omnimaga:
wow these are great ^^

Nice graphics!!! Even without the description, I can understand what they stand for...
I <3 S.A.D. !!

Amazing Graphics!  SAD is looking great!

Here's a treat for you guys:  the pre-pre-pre-pre alpha manual for S.A.D.  This is a draft manual I made when I was looking for help with S.A.D. (I was not going to start S.A.D. unless I was not the only person working on it, so this "manual" was to get people interested)

Of course, the final copy of the manual will be much more detailed and informative, and have pictures


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