Calculator Community > S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy)



I wanted to wait until I was far enough along before I announced this project.  I've been working on a novel, Countdown, which will be released when S.A.D. is finally finished.  I figured people will want to know what in the world happened to Dzhanus (for those of you who have been reading the Storyline information, you will recall that his silence brought the universe into choas and war), and Countdown is kind of the complete conclusion to the S.A.D. storyline.  You'll get a decent novel, but since my writing skills aren't the best, it will be light reading.  I imagine you could finish it in about 6-7 hours.

Sounds awesome! Will this be an FlashBook or what? If it is going to an FlashBook, I can send you the font I'm using for Phantom Sanctuary if you like.

DJ Omnimaga:
Wow that will be great!


--- Quote from: FinaleTI on October 22, 2010, 07:28:43 pm ---Sounds awesome! Will this be an FlashBook or what? If it is going to an FlashBook, I can send you the font I'm using for Phantom Sanctuary if you like.

--- End quote ---

Is flashbook easy to work with?  It's for sure going to be printable, and I'll make it flashbook if it's not hard.  I just haven't used it before and can't pay if it costs.

Thank you FinaleTi, I would at least like to take a look at the font. :D

Flashbook is free and you can download it here. (Well, at least the Windows version. Otherwise, just search "Flashbook" on ticalc.)
Yeah, it's pretty easy to use, you can pretty much copy paste text into it and it will export the app for you.
And I attached the custom font file.


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