Calculator Community > S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy)

S.A.D. , A Real-Time Strategy Game for Ti-83+ and Ti-84+ calculators

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Yes, that's right, an RTS game is in production for Ti-83+ and Ti-84+ calculators.  With the limited processing capabilities of the Z80 processors, and the small screen resolution, I decided to come up with a new concept entirely to make an RTS game work for the calculator, rather than trying to force the calculator to handle a typical RTS.

--- Quote ---Rather than controlling massive armies to battle an opponent, you control a single unit. You have 9 available units to choose from. Each of the nine units has its own abilities, its own strengths, and its own weaknesses. One unit constructs buildings, another performs sneak attacks, another has absolute air-superiority, and still another is best for taking out structures with its heavy cannon.

With the ability to change your unit thoughout the game, your goal is to defeat your opponent by choosing the right unit at the right time, at the same time that you are building up your base to aid in your goal. One wrong move, one moment that you use a unit out of place, could mean the difference between victory and defeat.
--- End quote ---

S.A.D. is a featured project on  I will be posting a lot of important information--features, stastics, screenshots, etc.--here.  However, if you want the most information possible, visit or use an IRC and join #seekanddestroy.

Features of S.A.D:

* 9 units, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.  During the game, you can change your unit to fit your strategy, and if your opponent kills you, you can respawn.
* 16 structures you can build
* Each unit has abilities you can research to increase its effectiveness.  Abilities include, but are not limited to, cloaking, teleportation, faster speed, and extra range
* Full maps with terrain
* Multiplayer with up to 3 AIs, and link play
* A 25-Mission Campaign, with cutscenes, several different objectives, and a full storyline
* A Map Editor, and a Campaign Editor

Here's some screenshots:

The first map: Orita Five

The Multiplayer Menu

The Main Menu

Over the next few days, once we have some balance issues worked out, I will post additional information, including information concerning the nine units and the 16 structures.  In the mean time, we are currently working on the economy and the tilemap routine.

Hey Hot Dog, glad to see you over here. Welcome here. :D

As for SAD, it's an awesome project that should be followed.

Good to see you too, ztrumpet!  Thx for the welcome!  8)

This looks awesome :d
Welcome on the forums and keep up the good work

DJ Omnimaga:
darn that looks friggin awesome, especially the map. It's very Starcraft-ish, except not isometric perspective, nice job so far and welcome here :)


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