Calculator Community > S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy)

S.A.D Human Structures

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Operation Center

Cost: 750
HP: 500

Transformation Gateway
Cost: 50
HP: 30

Operation Centers and Transformation Gateways are the basic building blocks of S.A.D. in terms of structure gameplay. They perform the same functions, and are necessary for your strategy, whether you plan everything ahead or find an on-the-spot opportunity.

Operation Centers cost a lot of money, but are very difficult to destroy. In addition, if your opponent is able to destory all your Operation Centers, you lose the game. Transformation Gateways are cheap, but are easy to destroy.

You start out with a single Operation Center at the beginning of the game.


Repair: It is cheaper to repair your unit than it is to buy a new one. Therefore, if you plan on continuing your strategy with the same unit, but are left badly damaged, you'll want to repair your unit at one of these stations. You can choose how much to repair your unit if you want to save money.

Refuel/Restock: As you move and fire your weapons, you use fuel. And as you use certain special abilities, you use up Sephrane Gas. It is cheaper to purchase more fuel and gas than it is to purchase a new unit. You can purchase a limited amount of fuel and gas if you want to save money.

Also, some abilities (namely Refillable Upgrades) can only be used a certain number of times, after which you must buys the means to use the ability again. This is called restocking, and you can do it at any Operation Center or Transformation Gateway.

Teleport: One of the most important functions of these buildings. If you have several of these buildings laid across the map, you can teleport in between them. This allows you access to a wide area of the map in a shorter amount of time, allowing you to change your strategy on-the-fly.

Teleporting takes a total of 2 1/2 seconds. While you are teleporting, your opponent can fire at you, but you cannot fire back.

By the way, if your unit dies, you can respawn it at any Transformation Gateway or Operation Center.

Exchange: The most important function of these two buildings. You can exchange any unit for another one when you're ready to change tactics. When you buy a new unit, you recieve a full tank of fuel. However, if your unit has refillable abilities, you still have to pay to restock on these abilities, you do not recieve them free.   In addition, you must purchase Sephrane Gas, you do not start out with any.

Your Scouter is capable of constructing any structure on this topic. However, seeing as it is not possible to be everywhere at once, there is a building you can construct that can build things in its area when your Scouter is elsewhere or you are using a different unit.

Automatic Construction Complex (ACC)
An ACC can build structures within a certain operating area. Having an ACC at every one of your primary and secondary bases is a great way of keeping your bases in shape. Your ACC can build, and repair, everything a Scouter can build and repair, with a couple of restrictions/exceptions:

* It cannot build or repair refineries or Operation Centers.
* An ACC can build up to three point defense structures and three AA structures at full price.  Afterwords (for instance, an emergency) you must pay an additional fee for each defense structure it builds.  ACCs cannot build Universal Defense.
* To prevent lockdowns, an ACC cannot build or repair anything within a certian radius of an enemy unit, be it ship or structure. This radius is larger than the ACC's operating radius. Futhermore, an ACC cannot repair defensive structures at all.


Starting Cost: 75
Starting HP: 100

Belthium Crystals are your source of income for the game. A refinery will mine these crystals automatically; you do not require workers, leaving you free to manage other tasks. A refinery works on a per-second basis, meaning you will recieve a number of crystals per second. As you might expect, a refinery can only be built on a crystal deposit, and it will shut down when the crystals are mined out.

To maintain your economic advantage and increase your rate of income, you need to upgrade your refinery.  A refinery can be upgraded up to 15 times.  You can que an upgrade as many times as you want...if you wish to, you can tell the refinery to automatically upgrade until it cannot upgrade anymore, leaving you free to focus on other tasks.  A refinery will deduct the appropriate cost on a per-upgrade basis, it will not charge you in advance for all upgrades you qued.  An upgrade to the Refinery takes around 15 seconds to complete.

A Refinery starts with 100 HP and mines 60 crystals per minute.
For the first 5 upgrades, 15 crystals will give your Refinery 20 additional HP and an addition 12 crystals per minute.
For the last 10 upgrades, 15 crystals will give your Refinery 20 additional HP and an additional 6 crystals per minute.

If your opponent destorys 20 HP, the Refinery loses that appropriate upgrade, until the Refinery reaches 100 HP again.  A Scouter will repair a Refinery only up to the maximum HP it can have based on the number of undestroyed upgrades it still has.

Since an ACC cannot construct Refineries, it is important to rebuild any destroyed refineries with your Scouter when you have an opportunity to do so...the last thing you want is your opponent gaining the economic advantage because you forgot to rebuild a refinery.

Point Defense

Point Defense structures protect an area from ground units. Point Defense cannot attack flying units, including Scouters using Jet Packs. It has a range of 3 and has an attack that deals 6 damage per second. It also has 150 HP and costs 75 Belthium Crystals.

Point Defense cannot be built unless the player has at least one research facility.

AA Defense

Anti-Air Defense protects your base from flying units, but not ground-based units.

It has a range of 3 and has an attack that deals 6 damage per second. It also has 150 HP and costs 75 Belthium Crystals.

You must have an Argo Laboratory to build AA Defense.


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