Calculator Community > S.A.D. (Seek and Destroy)

The Complete Guide to Modifying S.A.D.

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Well, I decided to start putting together this guide a little bit early.  This is a guidebook I will be releasing with the Source Code of S.A.D., and as you can guess, it tells people how to modify S.A.D. to make Real-Time Strategy games of their own for the Ti-83+ series.  In this way, only an intermediate knowledge of ASM is required.  If you understand the first 14 chapters of my ASM guide, you will have no trouble with the guidebook I will be providing.

S.A.D. isn't hard to work with code-wise once you understand what's going on, so I'm hoping people in the future will take advantage and release RTS games of their own--maybe even ones where one can use two or more different kinds of units in their group.  However, I will confess that the reason I'm working on it this early is because if people understand exactly what's going on, they might be able to help me make the game like they wanted to--but couldn't because of lack of ASM skills.  Yes, I'm a little bit selfish  8)

I'll post .pdf files as I make progress.  Unlike the Ti-83+ ASM guide, there will only be PDF files.

when I saw the title on Omnom, I thought it was the complete gude to an effective Axe.  XD


--- Quote from: yunhua98 on August 27, 2010, 05:13:05 pm ---cool!
when I saw the title on Omnom, I thought it was the complete gude to an effective Axe.  XD

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I was thinking the very same thing

Very cool. I remember you saying you were going to come out with this. Glad it is being worked on early :)

DJ Omnimaga:
I remember reading about this before in one of your message on chat I think. I'M glad this is gonna come out. It would be interesting if people could create mods/hacks of that game. Example would be if someone is a fan of SC and wants to make a SC-themed strategy game :P

I really want to play S.A.D first, though ^^


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