Omnimaga > Site Feedback and Questions
Explanation of why the Randomness section can vanish from time to time
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Why is this in randomness? Also, the two week thing makes it kinda unbelievable. Break out the colored text! :D
Awesome!  I like this idea. :D
DJ Omnimaga:
Oh it is in randomness but it's still serious. I pinned it too. That said, if people don't take it seriously I can easily include it elsewhere, though. :P
Okay then, can we increase the percentages for each thing semi-dynamically.  E.g., if we have like 20 new users because of KOS release, or something, can we immediately increase the percentage.

Also, instead of two weeks, how about 3 days being offline. Just some ideas.  Overall, I think the bets way to prevent randomness from taking over is to prevent new users from being in randomness.  Like 10 posts or so to use it.

It should be interesting to see, though, because many randomness conversations will essentially "die", because no one remembers them when they come back.
DJ Omnimaga:
Well I said 2 weeks because I may be busy and forget to check if the percentage went down.

Also I may increase the percentage if EzPortal team ever release a mod that lets me filter new posts by category (I would allow the option to show all posts, show calc posts, show projects, etc.)
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