
Omnimaga => Site Feedback and Questions => Topic started by: Netham45 on January 03, 2008, 07:09:00 pm

Title: again?
Post by: Netham45 on January 03, 2008, 07:09:00 pm
I was just wondering if I should register an again, so it is easier to get here.
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 03, 2008, 08:19:00 pm
you can always register it for this board for now, but we're not gonna use it for the other one when it get back up, because dyndns bugs us to reactivate our account every month
Title: again?
Post by: Netham45 on January 03, 2008, 09:36:00 pm
ok, I'll register it, hopefully the original Omnimaga will be back up soon.
Title: again?
Post by: Netham45 on January 05, 2008, 12:41:00 am
seems that isn't working right for me, I can't log in... I'll do a
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 05, 2008, 01:19:00 am
well it appears that someone registered it and made it redirect to IRC page o.O (

Good thing is locked and still registered, else...
Title: again?
Post by: Netham45 on January 05, 2008, 01:37:00 am
Ok, then I won't waste my time seeing why dyndns won't let me log in.
Title: again?
Post by: Radical Pi on January 05, 2008, 08:51:00 pm
well it appears that someone registered it and made it redirect to IRC page o.O (

Good thing is locked and still registered, else...
That's pretty random O.o
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 06, 2008, 05:14:00 am
hmm now it seems to redirects to some weird Pokémon pics
Title: again?
Post by: Radical Pi on January 06, 2008, 02:29:00 pm
Mudkipz are not weird; they're just misunderstood!

Someone must be having a lot of fun with that url.
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 06, 2008, 10:36:00 pm
it changed again :P

oh well at least the .org domain is working again...
Title: again?
Post by: JonimusPrime on January 06, 2008, 11:23:00 pm
I think some one is just trying to mess with you just let it live and make sure everyones to use the .org domain.
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on January 07, 2008, 01:13:00 am
yeah i donty care what they do with the dyndns domain. I just hope they won't make it redirect to some website with full of trojans, worms or spywares to infect ppl clicking it or phishing sites
Title: again?
Post by: JincS on February 09, 2008, 01:20:00 am
Hmmm...I wonder why nikki's such a f**king dick?

Can I say that online (admins plz edit if no)?
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 09, 2008, 03:36:00 am
well i dont think it matter much as he's gonna make even more fun  of us if we do x.x but he's really a dick

Before december I never thought some members of the community could go as far as taking over domain names or attacking the channel just because we do not support flaming
Title: again?
Post by: NanoWar on February 09, 2008, 05:40:00 pm
but he's really a dick
just because we do not support flaming
Attention! :$
Title: again?
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on February 09, 2008, 06:58:00 pm
yeah i know but I think they really deserved it. I was talking more about internal flaming between members and/or staff. I was talking about flaming such as:

POST1: Hi I'm starting a new BASIC RPG it will feature this and that and blahblahblah
POST2: BASIC sucks, don't expect people to download your game you're wasting your time on this project.


POST1: I just upgraded my PC to this and that etc...
POST2: Are you an idiot? This video card or this processor sucks


grammar nazis (and here i really mean the extreme, meaning people who yell at or flame someone just because he did grammar mistakes)

I think there are much nicer ways to say those stuff that won't cause havoc in the forums. As for the basic thing imho and for some others here it doesn't matter what you used to write the game, as long as it's good (unless you're learning, then there are chance that it's not good but they are here to learn and may/will improve :P)

Now maybe some people would do me a lecture about free speech but on some forums you visit there are rules, same for some websites, like Youtube. And those rules override free speech (altough doesn't suppresses it). It's like if you go in a church at christmas night you just don't start yelling loudly full of profanity and talk about porn and if you're a teacher in elementary school in grade 2 for example I dont think you're allowed to show the kids Braindead movie lawnmower scene, especially not after dinner time.