Omnimaga > Site Feedback and Questions

Unable to send PMs anymore


DJ Omnimaga:
I am unable to send PMs anymore. When posting, I usually manage to get the "Last post by same IP" error to go away by refreshing the page and I usually don't lose the post content if I click back to retrieve what I was typing. However, when I use the PM system, I am unable to get that error to go away at all, even by refreshing any page.

As I've mentioned in other threads, this is a known issue that seems to be an issue with SMF that is effecting more sites then ours. Currently there is nothing we can do about it and any googling on the subject has turned up blank. I have decreased the timeout to 2 seconds so if you wait for a bit before taking any action on the site at all and then send your PM it hopefully will work.

From what I understand, SMF treats any action as a post for the action log, which is confusing since they aren't actually posts.

Yeah I attempted to post a topic earlier, it failed the same way and I tried again and it said that I already posted that topic? Yeah, weird.

DJ Omnimaga:
This error is definitively strange since I only get it on Omni right now, but I did get it on another SMF board a few years ago. Have you tried asking on SMF support board?

The only topic I could find there suggested to disable flood control, though, and it dates back in 2009.


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